Technology Electronics

How to Transfer iPod Music to Another MP3 Player

    • 1). Download the MGTEK dopisp program, and install it onto your computer. This will make your iPod compatible with Windows Media Player.

    • 2). Connect one end of the USB cord to the iPod and the other end to the computer.

    • 3). Open Windows Media Player, and Copy all songs from your iPod to your computer's music library by selecting "Sync Files to My Computer." This process may take several hours depending on how much music is stored on your iPod.

    • 4). Select the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon located in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen, and remove the USB cord connecting your iPod and computer.

    • 5). Connect your MP3 player to the computer using the USB cord.

    • 6). Open your music library again, and select "Sync Files to My Device" to sync the songs to your MP3 player.

    • 7). Select the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon again to remove your MP3 player when the file transmission is complete.

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