Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Have You Considered Removing A Mole At Home?

Moles are extremely common, and almost every individual has one. Usually they are either black or brown, and feature variable dimensions. The biggest size of a mole is that of a regular pencil eraser. Also, they are generally inoffensive, and only rarely are cancerous. Anyway, it would be safer to visit your doctor, and undergo a complete checkup, before removing a mole.

After you visit a medic, you will also be able to decide if you want to follow a natural treatment, or if you want to have your moles surgically removed. If the worst happens, and you have a cancerous mole, you will be forced to follow a specialized medical treatment, named excision, which is made with stitches, or cauterization. If not, here are a few ways you can get rid of your moles without surgery.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Dip a cotton ball into apple cider vinegar, apply it on your mole and use a bandage to fix it. The bandage needs to be kept on your mole for minimum one hour. If the procedure is repeated on a daily basis, the mole will fall off.

5% Iodine solution: Iodine is a highly efficient substance when it comes to moles, but you need to be very attentive when you use it, because it is extremely poisonous too. A drop of this solution can be applied on the mole twice a day and then covered with a Band-Aid for almost a week, until the mole begins to disappear.

Garlic: One of the most fabulous ingredients is garlic. You need to slice a garlic clove in two, and then apply them on the affected area, and cover it with a piece of cloth. It is advisable to repeat the treatment daily, because this is the only way the treatment will penetrate the skin deep enough.

You should try using banana peels, as they show immediate effects, and will dry the mole, determining it is fall from the skin. Still, you need to use only the inside of the banana peels, as that is the only part that presents healing features. Mole removal cream: This type of cream is more expensive than the other remedies mentioned, but it's still a more affordable method than surgery. As long as you apply these creams correctly, you are very unlikely to present any side effects. Be cautious when using this treatment and try to follow all the instructions featured on the package.

Baking soda and castor oil: This combination can also help you get rid of unwanted moles. You just have to mix some baking soda, with a little castor oil, and then apply the obtained substance on the surface of your mole. If you repeat this procedure every day you should start seeing results in a week.

Strawberries - Who would have believed that these delightful fruits can fight against moles? Apply a piece of strawberry on the mole every day,and watch it disappear in no time!

Grapefruit juice: This incredible juice works wonders, but you will have to apply it at regular intervals of time. Removing a mole with grapefruit juice is said to cure moles in less than a month.

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