Why is Data Backup Important For Organizations?
During my complete IT career, I have witnessed numerous instances when my friends & colleagues lost (very) important data due to not taking timely backups.
The most funny was the one when my friend didn't take the backup from his Netaddress email account and it became a paid service.
All his important emails were lost in the changeover.
All of us should understand that the data that is stored on emails or other servers gets stored in PCs.
Though, they are of very high configuration but we should minimize the risks involved.
I have also seen instances when people take printouts of every email they send or receive and keep it at their home or office.
Huh! Think of a situation when you go to your bank and they are unable to tell you details about your financial transactions as they lost their data due to not taking timely backups.
You may feel the same what your customers will feel if you lose some important data due to not taking timely backups and you tell them that you are unable to provide details.
If you are a computer use than you would better understand the necessity to take timely backups and if you are not taking regular backups than chances are that your data is in danger.
Data can be lost to many circumstances such as crashing of computer or hard disk, fire, loss of media while transportation, natural disaster, stealing, etc.
The most recent & largest example of loss of huge data was on 3 January 2008 when an email server crashed at TeliaSonera, a major Nordic telecom/mobile company & ISP.
It was subsequently discovered that the last serviceable backup set was from 15 December 2007.
Three hundred thousand customer email accounts were affected.
In 1996, during a fire at the headquarters of Credit Lyonnais, a major bank in Paris, system administrators ran into the burning building to rescue backup tapes because they didn't have offsite copies.
Crucial bank archives and computer data were lost.
But that is the case of older days when many people didn't understand the necessity of taking backups.
Things are easier for organizations if the data is backed up offsite, and that too at multiple locations, so that even if sudden losses occur the data doesn't get lost.
Though it's necessary to keep data secured in hard disks, DVDs & magnetic tapes but they remain with you and in case of sudden outbreak of fire that data may get lost.
To resist from such circumstances people have started using offsite data backup in which data is stored at some distant locations using web based systems or clients which interact with offsite servers and take full data backup to avoide embarrassing situations.
The most funny was the one when my friend didn't take the backup from his Netaddress email account and it became a paid service.
All his important emails were lost in the changeover.
All of us should understand that the data that is stored on emails or other servers gets stored in PCs.
Though, they are of very high configuration but we should minimize the risks involved.
I have also seen instances when people take printouts of every email they send or receive and keep it at their home or office.
Huh! Think of a situation when you go to your bank and they are unable to tell you details about your financial transactions as they lost their data due to not taking timely backups.
You may feel the same what your customers will feel if you lose some important data due to not taking timely backups and you tell them that you are unable to provide details.
If you are a computer use than you would better understand the necessity to take timely backups and if you are not taking regular backups than chances are that your data is in danger.
Data can be lost to many circumstances such as crashing of computer or hard disk, fire, loss of media while transportation, natural disaster, stealing, etc.
The most recent & largest example of loss of huge data was on 3 January 2008 when an email server crashed at TeliaSonera, a major Nordic telecom/mobile company & ISP.
It was subsequently discovered that the last serviceable backup set was from 15 December 2007.
Three hundred thousand customer email accounts were affected.
In 1996, during a fire at the headquarters of Credit Lyonnais, a major bank in Paris, system administrators ran into the burning building to rescue backup tapes because they didn't have offsite copies.
Crucial bank archives and computer data were lost.
But that is the case of older days when many people didn't understand the necessity of taking backups.
Things are easier for organizations if the data is backed up offsite, and that too at multiple locations, so that even if sudden losses occur the data doesn't get lost.
Though it's necessary to keep data secured in hard disks, DVDs & magnetic tapes but they remain with you and in case of sudden outbreak of fire that data may get lost.
To resist from such circumstances people have started using offsite data backup in which data is stored at some distant locations using web based systems or clients which interact with offsite servers and take full data backup to avoide embarrassing situations.