Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Create Sodium Acetate

    • 1). Put two tablespoons of baking soda in the microwave-safe bowl. Mix it up to make sure there are no chunks remaining.

    • 2). Add one tablespoon of vinegar at a time. If you add too much, it will foam up and make a mess. Stir the mixture each time you add vinegar. Continue doing this until there is no foaming or other type of visible reaction.

    • 3). Put the bowl in the microwave and cook it on high heat for five minutes. Pull it out after five minutes to stir it. Put it back in for two more five-minute intervals. The end result is a clear sludgy material.

    • 4). Let it cool to room temperature. If done correctly, it will be a clear gel.

    • 5). Put a coffee filter in the mixing bowl. Scrape up the gel, put it on the coffee filter and let it absorb the remaining water. Once it is dry, you have sodium acetate.

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