What Is the Average Actual Rainfall in Kansas City?
Friday, May/24/2019
- The NOAA also calculated a historic rainfall average from 1889 to 2009. This average runs a little lower at 36.88 inches. The year with the highest rainfall average was 1961 with 60.25 inches, and the driest year, 1953, saw 20.93 inches.
- The Weather Channel lists June as the average wettest month in Kansas City with 4.73 inches of rain, and May as the second wettest, with 4.55 inches. January, February and December get the least amount of rainfall with between one to two inches.
- The Dust Bowl droughts of the 1930s also impacted the Kansas City area. In 1930, Kansas City had 28.56 inches of rain. In 1932 to 1934, it averaged approximately 27 inches of rain each year, and in 1936, Kansas City had only 21.51 inches of rain.
Historic Rainfall Average
Monthly Rainfall Averages
Dust Bowl
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