Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Therapeutic Pregnancy Massage to Relieve Common Discomforts of Pregnancy

Therapeutic massage during pregnancy is one of the most effective ways to address the many discomforts of pregnancy.
With the dramatic changes that the body undergoes during the nine months of gestation, it is common to experience many discomforts in the body.
The good news is that a skilled pregnancy massage therapist can help relieve many of these discomforts.
Common pregnancy discomforts relieved by therapeutic prenatal massage: •Lower back pain •Hip Pain/Sciatica •Difficulty sleeping •Swelling •Muscle cramps •Headaches •Sinus congestion There's a BIG difference between a spa-style pregnancy massage, or a Swedish Pregnancy Massage vs.
a therapeutic neuromuscular massage that is designed to address specific discomforts of pregnancy.
It's important to tell your therapist what your goals are with massage treatment, because that will greatly impact the approach the massage therapist takes.
If an expectant mother is 10 days away from her due date and having difficulty sleeping there is much different approach than a mom that is 6 months pregnant with persistent hip pain that shoots down the leg (or sciatic pain).
The secret is this: You don't have to "just live with it" or accept that "it will go away when the baby comes" as some people might tell you.
The fact is, if you see a skilled pregnancy massage therapist trained in the application of therapeutic pregnancy massage, your discomforts can be relieved.
This is not the sort of massage that you enjoy for the moment that fades away by tomorrow.
A skilled prenatal massage therapist will educate you on what you can do at home to keep the effects of the massage lasting on for weeks and weeks.
What many moms find is that as their pregnancy progresses, they expect the discomforts to get worse, but with skilled application of prenatal massage, the discomforts lessen, sometimes disappearing completely! Here's what one expectant mother had to say about her experience with therapeutic pregnancy massage: "I had been finding it increasingly hard to get much sleep, for numerous pregnancy related reasons, two of which were very painful hips and lower back ache.
I received a therapeutic massage and the therapist worked on the trigger points and after the first visit I felt relief from the pain.
I continued to visit my prenatal massage specialist for the duration of my pregnancy and the hip pain totally vanished.
Towards the end of my pregnancy I was feeling so good because of the special pregnancy massage treatments.
" Therapeutic massage during pregnancy can help you to have a comfortable pregnancy.
A skilled pregnancy massage therapist can help relieve many of the common discomforts and help you feel your best.
Don't hesitate, find a certified prenatal massage specialist near you today!

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