Home & Garden Pest Control

Bed Bug Bites - Enough to Keep You Awake at Night

Imagine settling in at night after a long journey only to awake to blood spots on the sheets and your body covered in Bed Bug Bites.
A bit extreme, but that is exactly what happened to a woman in a Chicago Hotel as reported by CBS back in 2006.
It took 4 days for over 500 bed bug bite to manifest all over her body in red welts.
That's one of the things you should know about bud bug bites.
They can take up to 9 days for welts to appear.
That means that before you even realize that you were sleeping with them, the bed bugs could have traveled in your luggage to your home.
And each person can react differently to them.
A bed bug bite to one person might be a small white bump with a scab.
To another person it can develop into a full blown rash and red - mesquite bite looking welt.
While bed bugs bites have not been shown to carry any infectious microbes, they do bite, they do feed on blood and they do itch.
As stated by Dr.
Clarence Brown from Rush University Medical Center "While a bed bug may bite me and I get a very small reaction, it could bite you and get a large reaction,"They might inject saliva while biting that leads to the localized itching easily treated with Benadryl, or Calamine Lotion or the like.
It will usually go away after a couple of days.
But like any other insect bite, if it is scratched it may become infected.
While bed bug bites are more creepy then dangerous, the big problem is that they are easily mistaken for standard rashes or mosquito bites which means they can go un noticed until you have a full blown infestation - then the problem is on a whole new level that usually requires an exterminator.
At his point they can all ready be in the furniture and upholstery, getting into the pet bedding where bed bug bites are mistaken for flea bites.

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