Health & Medical Adolescent Health

Why You Should Get a Piggy Bank for Kids

Getting a piggy bank for kids is a great start in helping them understand the value of money and how to save.
This is a very important concept for your children to understand at an early age.
Why not start their savings before they are born? How about giving a piggy bank to someone that is having a baby shower? If you put a little money in it you can make it jingle.
This would be a great baby shower gift! No matter how old a child is they always need or want something.
You could give a little girl a ballerina bank to collect money for her dance wear and shoes.
For your little boy you could have some kind of sports bank for them to save for a new bat, basketball, football or any other sports interest.
A great favorite is a car bank.
All kids when they reach the age when they can drive want a car.
How about making them save for it so they can buy it themselves? Even inexpensive cars are a lot of money.
So they need to start saving at an early age.
After they save a certain amount of money you might want to open a regular bank savings account.
There are so many different kinds of coin piggy banks to choose from.
There are digital, ceramic, plastic, chrome plated, etc.
They come in all shapes and sizes.
Animal banks are very popular, especially pigs, and so are geometric shapes.
How do children get money to put in their piggy bank? A lot of parents give their children stars and stickers for their good works.
Why not substitute these for coins? It doesn't have to be a lot of money.
Money usually does not come easily to most of us.
Children need to know that it is hard to get money and it doesn't go very far.
• For small tasks give them a penny.
• For medium tasks give them a nickel.
• For larger tasks give them a dime.
• If there is a task that your think deserves a quarter or more give it to them if you can afford to do this.
Figure out what you think it is worth to: • Take out the garbage • Feed the pet • Walk the pet • Clean their room • Clear the kitchen table • Get their school work done • Help with laundry • Brush their teeth • Get their bath • Go to bed on time There are always things kids want to buy.
Let them save for what they want.
Take them to the store and let them pick out what they want and pay for it.
They will appreciate the things more that they have to buy with their own money.

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