Blame Your Weight Gain on Your Genes
In the past couple decades, there has been increased, open, discussion about genes and DNA.
We all probably know that our blue eyes, blond hair, and other anomalies of our body come from our mom and dad, right? But did you know that our metabolism also comes from our genes, amongst most of our other attributes.
This is not to say that our weight problem is due solely to our parents and grandparents, however, they certainly do play a role.
This is one reason many attempts to lose weight fails...
we do not know the why and how to counteract our bodies built-in system.
You may have heard this about other health related topics...
if you feed your genes right, all your health problems will disappear.
But due note that you are overweight because that is what your genes want! Yes, there is certainly a psycho-thing going on when it comes to the dinner table, but our bodies are already setup in a way, asking us how to feed it.
What is interesting is that our genes are using us for their longevity, not ours, and as a matter of fact, our longevity stands in their way.
What are genes anyway? It may be best to think of genes like micro computer code.
For example, when I press the letter 'M' on my keyboard, the computer thinks of it in terms of a series of numbers...
Genes act in the same manner; genes tell us what color the eyes will be, etc.
Your genes are totally dependent on your body to protect them and house them until needed for your offspring.
Genes are the central point of evolution.
Genes, through millions of years, have adapted to different surroundings and environments and they act accordingly for us.
Whether you believe it or not, genes control our fate in the form of a hidden system that runs most of our cellular, hormonal, and nervous systems, as well as our aging process.
Genes allow you to function with minimal effort...
such as breathing.
How often do you find yourself controlling your breathing? Not often, I would say.
This is your 'hidden' system.
We all probably know that our blue eyes, blond hair, and other anomalies of our body come from our mom and dad, right? But did you know that our metabolism also comes from our genes, amongst most of our other attributes.
This is not to say that our weight problem is due solely to our parents and grandparents, however, they certainly do play a role.
This is one reason many attempts to lose weight fails...
we do not know the why and how to counteract our bodies built-in system.
You may have heard this about other health related topics...
if you feed your genes right, all your health problems will disappear.
But due note that you are overweight because that is what your genes want! Yes, there is certainly a psycho-thing going on when it comes to the dinner table, but our bodies are already setup in a way, asking us how to feed it.
What is interesting is that our genes are using us for their longevity, not ours, and as a matter of fact, our longevity stands in their way.
What are genes anyway? It may be best to think of genes like micro computer code.
For example, when I press the letter 'M' on my keyboard, the computer thinks of it in terms of a series of numbers...
Genes act in the same manner; genes tell us what color the eyes will be, etc.
Your genes are totally dependent on your body to protect them and house them until needed for your offspring.
Genes are the central point of evolution.
Genes, through millions of years, have adapted to different surroundings and environments and they act accordingly for us.
Whether you believe it or not, genes control our fate in the form of a hidden system that runs most of our cellular, hormonal, and nervous systems, as well as our aging process.
Genes allow you to function with minimal effort...
such as breathing.
How often do you find yourself controlling your breathing? Not often, I would say.
This is your 'hidden' system.