Health & Medical Acne

Is Your Diet Really Causing Acne?

Have you been told your whole life that what you eat will contribute to acne? Have you ever wondered if that if really true? You can probably find just as many people who do not believe as there are who do believe that diet definitely plays an intricate part in acne.
Which way is correct? Does fatty food and chocolate cause acne or make it worse? It would be so easy to simply change your diet and watch your acne magically disappear.
Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence linking eating habits to the development of acne.
Junk food does not cause acne.
What does cause acne is oil produced by the sebaceous glands.
These glands can sometimes produce too much oil and this excess oil causes acne.
Now you know and can understand why food is not related to acne, it all has to do with the sebaceous glands.
You are probably wondering why this food myth has been popular for so many years.
One reason for this is that some people really do feel that certain foods trigger their acne.
If this has happened to you, then by all means do not eat those foods, however, the simple fact remains that there is not scientific evidence to back up the food and acne relationship.
It is Important to Watch What You Eat Although there is no scientifically-proven connection between acne and food, it is true that there are many health and nutrition related reasons for limiting the amount of fatty, sweet and processed foods you consume.
These types of food are made from refined carbohydrates and these types of food cause heart disease and that is a fact that has been scientifically proven.
So even though changing your diet may not help your acne, it can do wonders for the long-term health of your heart.
Eating a diet with the proper balance of vitamins and nutrients has the potential to reduce your risk of heart disease.
The other benefit is that you will have more energy, reduce signs of aging.
A good diet will help you keep your weight in check as you get older which is something we all strive to achieve! When your body is given what it needs you are giving it the chance to perform the way it was meant to, at optimum capacity.
When your body feels good, it acts good and looks good.
You will not get sick as often and your quality of life will improve.
Try adding more fruits, vegetables and fiber to you diet.
In no time at all you will see how much better you feel and what a difference it makes in your overall well-being.

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