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There Are So Many Phobias and Disorders That People Suffer From - Discover What They Are

Have you ever met someone who was afraid of something they shouldn't be afraid of, as it was somewhat out of the norm - and I'm not talking about the fear of drowning, or being afraid of heights, because it's okay to be afraid of things that can hurt you, and a little fear keeps us from doing things that can cause us problems later.
Nevertheless, far too many people are afraid of such things as darkness, or going outside.
If you'd like to learn more of the phobias that people have, there is a great book the you should read, and it will help you understand these folks who have these fears and phobias, and how to help them get over their fears, and understand how to deal with these personalities as you meet them.
The name of the book that I'd like to recommend to you is; Phobias - Diseases and Disorders" by Gail B.
Stewart, published by Lucent Books Incorporated, San Diego, CA, (2001), 96 pages, ISBN: 1-56006-726-8.
In this book the author puts you into the mind of those who have dreadful feelings of fear, or who suffer from a phobia disorder.
Once you put yourself in their perspective, it becomes readily apparent how debilitating this could be.
The author explains in chapter to the history and early research on phobias, although today we know much more than we ever did back then.
Luckily the author brings you up to speed.
And although this book was written in 2001, and neuroscientists have learned more since, it is a good basic fundamental book to read.
There is also a chapter on the challenges of phobias, and how they can cause social problems, the book explains simple phobias, and fears that we all have, whether justified, or not necessarily.
If you've ever watched someone have a panic attack, there is a chapter about that which explains what's going through their mind, and how they lose control.
Once you understand this and you watch them ramp up with fear, you can bring it back into perspective for them by talking to them a certain way.
In fact in chapter 6 the final chapter the author explains how to overcome phobias if you happen to have one, and how to help and consult others to help them overcome their own fears.
Personally, this was a great book to read, because I am someone who enjoys wearing T-shirts which say; "No Fear" - and now I know how the other people feel, but rather than feel sorry for them, I think from now on I'm going to try to help them.
Wish me luck.
And maybe you should buy this book and do the same thing.
Please consider all this.

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