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Get Auto Repair Before a Big Trip

If you are planning a road trip, you'll want to make sure you have auto repair performed before you leave town. Before you put lots of miles on your vehicle venturing out on the open highways, you should make sure everything's running smoothly. Be sure you have the tires checked, the fluids looked at, the brakes checked, and the heater or AC tuned up - just in case.

Tires Checked

How old are your tires? If you can't even remember when you bought them, chances are they're getting pretty bald. In order to have great traction on the road, you need plenty of tire tread. Without ample tread, you won't be able to control your vehicle as easily; you can slip and slide when you're trying to stop or turn corners. Head over to the tire shop and replace them before you leave. If it turns out they're still okay, make sure they're filled with air and balanced.

Fluids Looked At

A vehicle has multiple fluids that keep it running smoothly. Oil, water, transmission fluid, brake fluid, and more are needed to keep your car operating efficiently. Without the proper fluids, you'll have break-downs and can damage your vehicle's parts. Have the auto repair shop check all your fluids before you go out of town. You'll be glad you did.

Brakes Checked

Few things are more dangerous than not being able to stop your car or slow down. Have you noticed any squeaky sounds or odd smells when you apply the brakes? Then head to the auto repair shop as soon as possible. You're putting your life and all others on the road in grave danger if your brakes go out. Unusual sounds, sights, and smells are red flags of trouble brewing. If your car doesn't seem to stop as easily as it used to, that is a message to get your brakes fixed.

AC and Heater

You want to be comfortable on your road trip. No matter what the season, have your AC and heater serviced if you're leaving town. If you live in a warm region, you may be surprised to learn that other parts of the country get quite cold at night. It goes the opposite way, too. If you live in the cool mountains but are driving through deserts, you'll need a well functioning air conditioner to survive your drive.

Road trips can be fun if your car is in tiptop shape. Don't take any chances before you head out. Have your local auto repair shop check your tires, fluids, brakes, AC, and heater so you know everything is ready to roll. It's much better to have your local trustworthy mechanic tune up your car before you leave than to try to find a new technician in a strange town.

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