Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool During Hot Summer Days
Most people don't realize that dogs can over heat which leads to serious health issues in your dog and sometimes even death.
Just like a human, if you dog's internal body temperature gets too high they overheat.
The problem with dogs is they will push through a lot of the pain which is why you need to be careful when walking or running them during the summer.
When running, your dog will want to stay with you and will push through a lot of pain to be able to do so.
It is not uncommon for them to literally run until they collapse.
Sometimes it doesn't take very much for a dog to overheat; they can overheat just by sitting in direct sunlight.
Providing your dog with some shade is the simplest way to keep them cool but you may want to go beyond that.
Another trick is taking wet towels and freezing them in your freezer at home.
When they are frozen you can lay the towels down in your dog favorite shady place to provide some extra coolness.
The best thing about frozen towels is that once they melt they are still soaked in water and provide coolness to your dog even after the ice melts.
Ice towels are a great trick but not always necessary but shade is a must.
Never leave your dog outside without any shade.
A lot of pets stores carry plastic pools during summer time for you dogs.
They are usually under $10 and can provide an excellent way for you dog to cool itself off during the day.
Other stores like Wal Mart, Kmart, and target may carry larger size cool for children but also serve the same purpose if you want to use them for your dog.
Just be sure to supervision you dog because it is possible that they could drown in the pool even if there isn't a lot of water in it.
It is very unlikely but is a possibility.
If your dog requires daily exercise you should hose them down before your run or walk.
Even if they do not like water, like most Siberian Huskies, it is a great way to keep them cool during the exercise in summer heat.
You may also want to look into cooling clothing for dogs.
There are some clothes out there that you can freeze to add water to that will cool your dog down as well.
Or you can freeze a wet t-shirt and put it on your dog before your daily exercise.
The most important thing is to keep them same and not to over work them during hot summer days.
Just like a human, if you dog's internal body temperature gets too high they overheat.
The problem with dogs is they will push through a lot of the pain which is why you need to be careful when walking or running them during the summer.
When running, your dog will want to stay with you and will push through a lot of pain to be able to do so.
It is not uncommon for them to literally run until they collapse.
Sometimes it doesn't take very much for a dog to overheat; they can overheat just by sitting in direct sunlight.
Providing your dog with some shade is the simplest way to keep them cool but you may want to go beyond that.
Another trick is taking wet towels and freezing them in your freezer at home.
When they are frozen you can lay the towels down in your dog favorite shady place to provide some extra coolness.
The best thing about frozen towels is that once they melt they are still soaked in water and provide coolness to your dog even after the ice melts.
Ice towels are a great trick but not always necessary but shade is a must.
Never leave your dog outside without any shade.
A lot of pets stores carry plastic pools during summer time for you dogs.
They are usually under $10 and can provide an excellent way for you dog to cool itself off during the day.
Other stores like Wal Mart, Kmart, and target may carry larger size cool for children but also serve the same purpose if you want to use them for your dog.
Just be sure to supervision you dog because it is possible that they could drown in the pool even if there isn't a lot of water in it.
It is very unlikely but is a possibility.
If your dog requires daily exercise you should hose them down before your run or walk.
Even if they do not like water, like most Siberian Huskies, it is a great way to keep them cool during the exercise in summer heat.
You may also want to look into cooling clothing for dogs.
There are some clothes out there that you can freeze to add water to that will cool your dog down as well.
Or you can freeze a wet t-shirt and put it on your dog before your daily exercise.
The most important thing is to keep them same and not to over work them during hot summer days.