Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle

Which Repo Camper Auctions Are the Best For You?

Before you go out and buy a brand new camper, think about buying from camper auctions instead.
Camper auctions, which include on-line auctions, repo or bank auctions, and seized or government auctions, offer high quality, low cost campers.
Because each type of auction has advantages and disadvantages, deciding which is right for you will be a personal choice.
Of the three types, on-line auctions are certainly the easiest in many ways.
They are easy to find and can be participated in right from the comfort of your home or office.
E-bay is the most well known on-line auction site, but there are several others out there, and most function the same way.
Registered buyers have a set amount of time, ranging from a few hours to several days, to bid on items posted by sellers.
Sellers can be individuals or dealers, and dealers can be selling new or used campers.
One of the biggest risks with buying on-line is that you can't always be sure that you will get what you were sold.
To avoid some of this risk, try to buy only from reputable sellers - those with several high reviews.
Another risk is that your dream trailer may be far away from you, which means that you will have to either go pick it up or pay for it to be delivered.
You can get around this by limiting your search area to local only.
Repo or bank auctions are held by lending institutions and often have extremely low starting bid prices because the banks want to clear their stock of repossessed campers.
Banks have to pay storage fees on all repossessed vehicles, so rather than trying to make a profit, they are simply trying to cut their losses.
This means that you can sometimes get a much better deal than you can with an on-line auction.
In addition, unlike with on-line auctions, with repo camper auctions you can inspect the vehicle ahead of time, giving you more assurance that you are getting a quality camper.
However, repo auctions can sometimes be difficult to find as they are not widely publicized.
Check with your local bank or lending institution to find out when they hold their auctions.
Government or seized property auctions are usually slightly easier to find than bank auctions.
You can often get good deals at these auctions as well; however, you could be taking a greater risk than with bank auctions as seized vehicles tend to be more abused and worn than repossessed vehicles.
Take your time to inspect the campers before you bid.

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