Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle

How to Recharge the AC on the Dodge 2000 Caravan

    • 1). Assemble the recharging kit. The hose and gauge will need to be attached to the R134a cannister. However, you need to make absolutely sure while assembling the kit that the valve atop the canister is not turned all the way down. That will cause the freon to rush out.

    • 2). Attach the hose to the 2000 Dodge Caravan's low side port. You will find the port in the engine compartment and on the air conditioning's aluminum tubing.

    • 3). Place the kit in a safe place where there is no engine parts that will move. This includes the Dodge Caravan's belts and fans.

    • 4). Start the Dodge Caravan's engine. Let the engine idle until it reaches its average running temperature.

    • 5). Place a thermometer into an air conditioning vent. Turn the Dodge Caravan's air conditioning to the coldest possible setting. Also, turn the blower on to it's fullest force. Monitor the thermometer and wait till the Caravan's air conditioning reaches its lowest temperature. Remove the thermometer.

    • 6). Pick up the recharging kit you left in the Caravan's engine compartment. Turn the valve atop the R134a canister and release the freon into the air conditioning. Turn the valve off periodically so that you can monitor the recharging progress. Allow a minute or two to pass before adding a new charge into the the system.

    • 7). Wrap the R134a cannister in a damp, warm towel if the canister becomes too cold to hold.

    • 8). Place a thermometer into the air conditioning systems duct and monitor the temperature as you charge freon into the system. A charged air conditioning system puts out cold air at 40 degrees.

    • 9). Shut the valve atop the R134a canister once the process is complete or the canister becomes depleted. Remove the kit's hose from the Caravan's lowside port. Shut the engine compartment and turn the caravan completely off.

    • 10

      Store remaining freon in a dark place with consistent temperature. Do not discharge freon into the atmosphere merely to get rid of it. Leave the hose and gauge on the canister and ensure the can stays in an upright position.

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