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How to End Siding

    Corner Trim

    • 1). Measure and cut corner trim to fit each end of your wall. Cut it to fit between the top of the foundation and the bottom of the eaves with tin snips.

    • 2). Attach the trim to the wall using a drill to install one screw through the fastener strip every 8 inches along each long edge.

    • 3). Fit the ends of your siding planks into the open channel along the long edge of the corner trim. Fit the siding ends into the channel with 1/8 to ¼ inch slack to allow for shifting.

    Wall Tops

    • 1). Measure the wall from side to side. Install under-sill trim along the top of the wall with treated deck screws drill in one every 8 inches along the fastener strip on the bottom edge of the under-sill trim so that the open edge of the channel is facing down.

    • 2). Measure the distance from the last full height row of siding to the top of the under-sill trim and cut enough siding to width with tin snips to fill the top row, so that the cut edge is just below the top edge of the under-sill trim.

    • 3). Fit the top cut edge of the siding into the under-sill trim to cover the cut edge.

    Doors and Windows

    • 1). Measure the top and sides of each door and the top sides and bottom of each window. Cut enough J-trim for the sides and top of each door and window and enough under-sill trim for each window with tin snips.

    • 2). Install the J-trim along the sides and top of the doors and windows so that the flat back is against the door or window trim, with the fastener strip to the outside. The open channel of the trim should face to the outside as well. Fit the under-sill trim against the bottom of the window in the same way. Drive one 1 ¼ -inch treated deck screw through the fastener strips every 6 inches to attach the trim.

    • 3). Measure and cut the siding to fit around the doors and windows, so that the cut ends and edges fit inside the open channels of the trim pieces.

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