Basic Nutrition Guidelines For Body Builders
If you have any aspirations of bodybuilding or improving your physique, it all comes down to one thing, NUTRITION! Like many other industry experts, I tend to believe that 80% of bodybuilding success is based on Nutrition.
80%! That may seem like a lot, but its the truth, I have seen the results first hand myself on my own journey to greatness.
What separates bodybuilders from an average Joe who works out once in awhile is a commitment and dedication to nutrition and diet.
Focusing on these things outside of the gym will lead you to success.
You are not building muscle in the gym, you are breaking it down, so it can rebuild stronger when you are at home eating quality foods, and getting plenty of rest.
Whereas nutrition is the #1 priority for all bodybuilders, it becomes of utmost importance and criticality when you are a Hard Gainer.
A lack of quality calories and deviation from your diet plan can spell disaster for your muscle gains.
You don't want that now do you? Guidelines for Growth: * Daily intake of 1.
5 grams of protein per 1lb of bodyweight (ie.
100lb bodybuilder would need 150 grams of protein per day for muscle growth) * Daily intake of 3 grams of carbohydrates per 1lb of bodyweight (ie.
100lb bodybuilder would need 300 grams of carbohydrates per day for muscle growth) * Daily intake of 0.
5 grams of fat per 1lb of bodyweight (ie.
100lb bodybuilder would need 50 grams of fat per day for muscle growth) These amounts should be slowly worked up to over the course of a 14 day period.
To obtain this large quantity of calories, Hard Gainers should be eating 5-6 equally spaced meals per day.
This means eating smaller sized meals every 2-3 hours.
This will ensure optimal absorption of nutrients, and a continual supply of nutrients to repair and rebuild muscle.
80%! That may seem like a lot, but its the truth, I have seen the results first hand myself on my own journey to greatness.
What separates bodybuilders from an average Joe who works out once in awhile is a commitment and dedication to nutrition and diet.
Focusing on these things outside of the gym will lead you to success.
You are not building muscle in the gym, you are breaking it down, so it can rebuild stronger when you are at home eating quality foods, and getting plenty of rest.
Whereas nutrition is the #1 priority for all bodybuilders, it becomes of utmost importance and criticality when you are a Hard Gainer.
A lack of quality calories and deviation from your diet plan can spell disaster for your muscle gains.
You don't want that now do you? Guidelines for Growth: * Daily intake of 1.
5 grams of protein per 1lb of bodyweight (ie.
100lb bodybuilder would need 150 grams of protein per day for muscle growth) * Daily intake of 3 grams of carbohydrates per 1lb of bodyweight (ie.
100lb bodybuilder would need 300 grams of carbohydrates per day for muscle growth) * Daily intake of 0.
5 grams of fat per 1lb of bodyweight (ie.
100lb bodybuilder would need 50 grams of fat per day for muscle growth) These amounts should be slowly worked up to over the course of a 14 day period.
To obtain this large quantity of calories, Hard Gainers should be eating 5-6 equally spaced meals per day.
This means eating smaller sized meals every 2-3 hours.
This will ensure optimal absorption of nutrients, and a continual supply of nutrients to repair and rebuild muscle.