Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

How to Stop Aggressive Dog Behavior

What kinds of aggressive dog behavior are you encountering now? There are many different kinds of aggressive behavior in dogs and sometimes it may be capable of inflicting serious harm to other dogs or human.
There are a lot of things we can do to deal with all these kinds of aggression.
How to stop aggressive dog behavior? Firstly, we need to know how to identify the different types of aggression.
- Aggression towards strangers Your dog is jumpy and alert even over the slightest movement or sound.
He bark and run towards strangers that come to or pass by your house.
Some dogs may even try to bite.
Example: a mailman visiting your house and your dog start to bark aggressively.
- Territorial Aggression Your dog start to growl, bark or bite when someone goes near him and he may react protective over his space, yard, bed or even your bed.
- Aggression towards anybody who touches their stuffs Your dog will bark, growl or bite anyone who touches his stuffs.
It can be his possession like toy, food or even your things.
- Aggression towards anything that is moving Your dog attack anything that is moving such as chasing cars, cats or joggers.
- Pain aggression Does your dog hate grooming? If your dog have unhappy and experiences in grooming before, they may show signs of stress.
For example, they become aggressive when you do nails clipping for them.
Dog obedience training is one of the good ways to stop aggressive dog behavior.

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