Health & Medical Lose Weight

Healthy Snacks to Lose Weight - 5 Top 50-Calorie Choices

There are many misconceptions about snacking, it is often blamed for extra weight gain, but as long as you choose your snacks carefully, snacking can actually help you to lose weight.

How can this be?
Your body functions at its best when you keep your blood sugar levels stable. If you go a long time between meals, your blood sugar levels will drop and cause you to crave fattening foods.

This is the danger point when you reach for the cookies, crisps or candy bars. If you are aware of this you can prepare in advance and have healthy snacks on hand which will not sabotage your weight loss efforts.

Here are some healthy snacks with around 50 calories each, which should stave off cravings between meals:

1. 5 almonds. Nuts, though high in calories are a good snack food as long as you don't eat many. They are high in protein and healthy fats so will satisfy you as well as providing valuable nutrients.

2. 175g of small fruits, such as berries or cherries, alternatively 1 apple, pear, orange or other medium fruit. Fruits are full of vitamins and antioxidants.

3. 1 oatcake topped with 1 teaspoon of low-sugar jam. This will give you a satisfying "sweet" fix and keep you going until the next meal.

4. 1 rye crispbread topped with 1 low-fat cheese triangle. A combination of low GI carbohydrate and protein will keep cravings at bay.

5. 150g of very low fat yoghurt. Proteins can help to keep you feeling fuller for longer and give you valuable nutrients.

As long as you choose carefully, healthy snacks can help you to lose weight. If you allow yourself to get too hungry you will either reach for something very fattening and regret it later or you will end up eating too much at your next mealtime. By having the right sort of snacks to hand you will avoid the danger of sabotaging your weight loss efforts and will reach your goals much quicker.

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