How to Remove Pet Stains From Hardwood Floor
- 1). Once the pet stain is dry, it will have discolored the hardwood floor, creating a dark stain. First, clean the spot with some type of cleaner, whether a disinfectant wipe or pet enzyme cleaner.
- 2). After the spot has been cleaned, there will still be a dark stain. Here is where the hydrogen peroxide comes into the picture. Hydrogen Peroxide has an oxidizing power that will slowly bleach the color out of the stain.
- 3). Dampen a cloth with Hydrogen peroxide and place on the stain. Place a heavy book or other object on the cloth to hold the solution on the stain. Leave for only short periods of time, until the stain has blended in with the rest of the floor. This may take a while, but with patience, you will be able to remove the pet stain from the hardwood.
- 4). If all else fails, you can have the hardwood floors refinished. This is a time consuming and often expensive job, so attempting to use hydrogen peroxide to clean up pet stains is a good first step.