Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Different Types Of Exercise And The Benefits Offered By Each

There can be various reasons why a person wants to exercise and for each purpose, there are also different types of exercise that can be performed.
Each type offers its own benefits and if you want to get all of these gains, then you could perform all of these exercises.
Aerobic Exercise It uses oxygen and makes you somewhat breathless because of increased heart rate.
It promotes healthy muscles, lungs and heart.
Combined with balanced diet, aerobic activities can help in maintaining healthy weight.
Feel more motivated to perform these activities by doing it with your friends.
There are various aerobic activities you can do.
Aerobic activities should be performed with moderate intensity (your heart rate increases, you feel warm and your breathing becomes fast) for two hours and thirty minutes per week or in daily sessions lasting 10 or more minutes.
More vigorous efforts are required if you want to lose weight.
You could adjust the intensity according to the goal you are trying to reach.
It is suitable for all people, regardless of age.
If you are just starting your exercise regimen, walking is an ideal activity because it subjects the joints to less strain.
It is ideal for upper leg muscle strengthening, for fitness improvement and for balance improvement.
It works on the entire body without putting a lot of stress on the joints.
It is only effective if you put in sufficient effort to increase heart rate.
It could burn additional calories that simple walking.
Yet, just like walking, it also requires no equipment and you could even make varied routes for a more enjoyable workout.
Team Sports.
Examples are football and volleyball.
It offers a more exciting time because you can get your motivation from your team mates.
Resistance Exercise Added to your program, resistance exercise can add up to your strength, balance and posture.
Plus, your body will even look more toned.
The muscles are able to burn more calories even while you are at rest.
This exercise involves moving your muscles against any form of resistance like free weights, weight equipment or your own body weight.
Strength activities must be done 2-3 times in a week where you must work out all the groups of muscles in your body.
It is not about lifting the heaviest weight, but about choosing the appropriate weight amount that will allow you to efficiently perform 8-12 repetitions per set.
Consult with a professional in order to choose the correct weight.
You could also other activities that will pass for resistance exercise such as carrying grocery bags.
Flexibility Exercise It will help stretch the muscles so they will not become less elastic and shorter.
It also helps you achieve relaxation, better balance, improved posture and enhanced circulation.
Activities that promote flexibility are tai chi, pilates and yoga.
Simple stretches also help improve your flexibility.
Balance Exercise It helps you in preventing accidental falls, especially when you are older.
Old people tend to lose their sense of balance.
There are strength exercises for the lower body that could work on your balance such as standing on a single foot, tai chi and heel-to-toe walk.

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