Get More Results With This in Home Full Body Workout
It is often difficult to determine fact from fiction when faced with the huge amount of information that we are inundated with each day.
Books, television, magazines and information on the web would lead us to believe that the only possible method to use to develop a lean body is to use machines and cardio equipment.
The fact is that it is possible to obtain a very effective full body workout at home with absolutely no equipment, and in only 15 minutes.
Rest assured that you do not need access to a fully stocked gym with free weights, machines, and cardio equipment and you surely don't need expensive home workout equipment.
The Benefits of an In Home Full Body Workout: 1) You will save time: you won't have to worry about driving to and from the gym and waiting around for equipment.
2) You will achieve more results in less time.
Because you can do your workout at home and in minimal time, you will get more results than most people who spend five or more hours at a gym every week.
Furthermore, because you can do these workouts at home in as little as 10 minutes, you won't have any excuses to not get in a great workout even in a time crunch.
3) You will save money.
You won't have to pay for expensive gym memberships or the gas to drive to and from, and you certainly don't need bulky and costly home workout equipment The Concepts: 1) Select exercises that work the greatest amount of muscle at one time to accelerate weight loss, increase muscle tone and get you more results in less time.
The following list of exercises may be brief, but they are very effective.
-Lunges and all variations -Squats and all variations -Dips -Burpees -Chin-Ups: assisted and all variations -Inverted Rows -Push-ups and all variations Even if your home workouts consisted of nothing but those exercises, you would get more results than most people who go to gyms! Those exercises are highly effective for burning body fat, sculpting lean muscle, and transforming your body.
2) Use circuits.
Instead doing a set of an exercise, resting, and repeating that same exercise, perform several exercises back-to-back with minimal rest.
This will allow you to complete the workout in less time, and this is much more effective for increasing your fat burning metabolism.
3) Challenge yourself.
Don't be afraid to attempt more advanced exercises and "get out of your comfort zone.
" If you want to keep progressing and get more results, you absolutely must improve your performance.
This can be done in one of the following ways: -Increase the number of repetitions you perform for each exercise -Use more advanced exercises -Perform more circuits -Decrease your rest periods Sample Full Body Workout: -Squats x 20 -T push-ups x 8-10 each side -Inverted Rows x 12 -Plank x 30 seconds Perform each exercise one right after the other without resting.
After you complete the circuit, rest for one to two minutes and repeat that circuit two to five more times.
Another option is to perform that circuit as many times as possible in a set period of time.
Example: 10 to 20 minutes.
This is a terrific option if you are short on time.
Sample Full Body Workout 2: -Perform as many burpees as possible in 10 to 20 minutes How to perform a burpee: -stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart -squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet -kick your feet back so you are in the top of a push-up position -immediately "jump" your feet back to they are near your hands -explode straight into the air, land softly, and repeat To do an advanced burpee, perform a push-up after to reach the push-up position.
You can choose to perform a set number of burpees (or advanced burpees) as fast as possible, or perform as many as possible in a set period of time (example: 10-15 minutes).
Books, television, magazines and information on the web would lead us to believe that the only possible method to use to develop a lean body is to use machines and cardio equipment.
The fact is that it is possible to obtain a very effective full body workout at home with absolutely no equipment, and in only 15 minutes.
Rest assured that you do not need access to a fully stocked gym with free weights, machines, and cardio equipment and you surely don't need expensive home workout equipment.
The Benefits of an In Home Full Body Workout: 1) You will save time: you won't have to worry about driving to and from the gym and waiting around for equipment.
2) You will achieve more results in less time.
Because you can do your workout at home and in minimal time, you will get more results than most people who spend five or more hours at a gym every week.
Furthermore, because you can do these workouts at home in as little as 10 minutes, you won't have any excuses to not get in a great workout even in a time crunch.
3) You will save money.
You won't have to pay for expensive gym memberships or the gas to drive to and from, and you certainly don't need bulky and costly home workout equipment The Concepts: 1) Select exercises that work the greatest amount of muscle at one time to accelerate weight loss, increase muscle tone and get you more results in less time.
The following list of exercises may be brief, but they are very effective.
-Lunges and all variations -Squats and all variations -Dips -Burpees -Chin-Ups: assisted and all variations -Inverted Rows -Push-ups and all variations Even if your home workouts consisted of nothing but those exercises, you would get more results than most people who go to gyms! Those exercises are highly effective for burning body fat, sculpting lean muscle, and transforming your body.
2) Use circuits.
Instead doing a set of an exercise, resting, and repeating that same exercise, perform several exercises back-to-back with minimal rest.
This will allow you to complete the workout in less time, and this is much more effective for increasing your fat burning metabolism.
3) Challenge yourself.
Don't be afraid to attempt more advanced exercises and "get out of your comfort zone.
" If you want to keep progressing and get more results, you absolutely must improve your performance.
This can be done in one of the following ways: -Increase the number of repetitions you perform for each exercise -Use more advanced exercises -Perform more circuits -Decrease your rest periods Sample Full Body Workout: -Squats x 20 -T push-ups x 8-10 each side -Inverted Rows x 12 -Plank x 30 seconds Perform each exercise one right after the other without resting.
After you complete the circuit, rest for one to two minutes and repeat that circuit two to five more times.
Another option is to perform that circuit as many times as possible in a set period of time.
Example: 10 to 20 minutes.
This is a terrific option if you are short on time.
Sample Full Body Workout 2: -Perform as many burpees as possible in 10 to 20 minutes How to perform a burpee: -stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart -squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet -kick your feet back so you are in the top of a push-up position -immediately "jump" your feet back to they are near your hands -explode straight into the air, land softly, and repeat To do an advanced burpee, perform a push-up after to reach the push-up position.
You can choose to perform a set number of burpees (or advanced burpees) as fast as possible, or perform as many as possible in a set period of time (example: 10-15 minutes).