The March Equinox Forecast for the Year Ahead
At the March Equinox in 2011, which heralded the beginning of the astrological year 2011-2012, the Goddess of Love arrived.
Permeating the physical realm, the Goddess of Love's entrance signaled the beginning of a matriarch inspired era.
Aquarius Invoked Caring Aquarius, the facilitator of all the Zodiac signs, most adroitly helped all the Zodiac signs make the shift into their Goddess selves to light the way for the matriarch civilization.
As the first step, each and every Zodiac Goddess developed the quality of Caring in herself.
Caring Transmitted to You Then, each Zodiac Goddess began to transmit this quality of Caring to all those they had sponsored into incarnation on Mother Earth.
True caring for self physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually is the route to awakening the Love hidden deep inside, waiting for the Goddess of Love's arrival.
New March Equinox On March 19th at this year's March Equinox, the new astrological year of 2012-2013 will commence.
This year, the task of each Zodiac Goddess is to transform each of the energies they uniquely transmit by infusing the quality of Love into each.
That means the characteristics and qualities will be modified as well.
Matriarch Astrology This is a vast undertaking for each Zodiac Goddess.
When complete though, a new astrology designed for the matriarch era now upon us will be put in place.
Your Moon Sign Your Moon Sign, not your Sun sign, lights the way and unfolds your future during a matriarch era.
You become the most important person to develop a loving relationship with at this time.
As you become truly connected with yourself in a loving way, you will be drawn to others that have developed loving relationships with themselves also.
Where You Live Where you lived when you were developing your power, your strength, your courage and your intellect was just perfect for that time period.
Don't be surprised if your feelings tug on you for a change, to a more supportive and loving environment for who you are becoming now.
Your Vocation You just may not be satisfied if the way you make your money does not have as its foundation being truly helpful in a heartfelt way.
Once you truly learn to care for yourself, it's natural that you'll want to extend your help to others.
Don't go backward though and sacrifice yourself in the process.
Money and Heartfelt Service go together in a matriarch civilization.
Each Zodiac Goddess will be informing you of how you can be of most service if she is your Moon Sign.
Permeating the physical realm, the Goddess of Love's entrance signaled the beginning of a matriarch inspired era.
Aquarius Invoked Caring Aquarius, the facilitator of all the Zodiac signs, most adroitly helped all the Zodiac signs make the shift into their Goddess selves to light the way for the matriarch civilization.
As the first step, each and every Zodiac Goddess developed the quality of Caring in herself.
Caring Transmitted to You Then, each Zodiac Goddess began to transmit this quality of Caring to all those they had sponsored into incarnation on Mother Earth.
True caring for self physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually is the route to awakening the Love hidden deep inside, waiting for the Goddess of Love's arrival.
New March Equinox On March 19th at this year's March Equinox, the new astrological year of 2012-2013 will commence.
This year, the task of each Zodiac Goddess is to transform each of the energies they uniquely transmit by infusing the quality of Love into each.
That means the characteristics and qualities will be modified as well.
Matriarch Astrology This is a vast undertaking for each Zodiac Goddess.
When complete though, a new astrology designed for the matriarch era now upon us will be put in place.
Your Moon Sign Your Moon Sign, not your Sun sign, lights the way and unfolds your future during a matriarch era.
You become the most important person to develop a loving relationship with at this time.
As you become truly connected with yourself in a loving way, you will be drawn to others that have developed loving relationships with themselves also.
Where You Live Where you lived when you were developing your power, your strength, your courage and your intellect was just perfect for that time period.
Don't be surprised if your feelings tug on you for a change, to a more supportive and loving environment for who you are becoming now.
Your Vocation You just may not be satisfied if the way you make your money does not have as its foundation being truly helpful in a heartfelt way.
Once you truly learn to care for yourself, it's natural that you'll want to extend your help to others.
Don't go backward though and sacrifice yourself in the process.
Money and Heartfelt Service go together in a matriarch civilization.
Each Zodiac Goddess will be informing you of how you can be of most service if she is your Moon Sign.