Society & Culture & Entertainment Horoscopes

October Horoscope Forecast - Uranian Astrology

Hurray! October begins with Mercury direct, even though everyone may be walking in a fog on Oct.
1st, as the Sun will be sesquiquadate (135 degree aspect) Neptune, and both are midpoint Zeus and Kronos.
This is not a good day for bosses, dads, leaders or heads of state to initiate any new policies or laws.
They are in weak positions on this day.
Hades is 27 minutes off the cardinal axis so any planet that Hades plays itself out on effects the world stage.
Today Mars is 22 1/2 to Hades, meaning there could be news of war or a disaster played out in the media.
At the same time Saturn + Jupiter = Mars, and bad business activity comes to light.
Mercury/Hades=Mars/Neptune, could mean major flooding or a disaster related to water.
Oct 2nd begins with Mars 22 1/2 to 0º cardinal, with news of fighting in Afghanistan or labor news.
Uranus + Kronos = Mars = 0º cardinal.
A boss or other leader, such as a head of state, initates changes that unnerve some.
Mars + Saturn = Sun, is a day devoted to health issues, and there could be another death in the news today.
As all of that is happening, there is a pleasant configuration of Venus + 0º cardinal = Mercury, with some positive financial news.
On Oct 3rd, Mercury + Pluto = Saturn.
Spend today contemplating the changes you want to make and which unneeded objects you should get rid of.
The Full Moon of the fourth is semi-square Admetos and can herald the end of some bad situations, or relationships.
At the same time Mercury opposite Uranus semi-square Poseidon brings in sudden new thoughts and ideas.
5th, Jupiter + Pluto = Mars.
There are some financial dealings in the works that promise big results.
Unfortunately Jupiter + Saturn = 0º Cardinal, and there could be some problematic real estate news.
Then on the 6th, Saturn + Uranus = Mercury, nothing seems to get moving today, all plans seem to die in the water.
On Oct.
7th, and 8th Uranus + 0º cardinal = Node + Admetos = Saturn, Mercury, and bad news suddenly erupts.
This could also mean the possibility of a few small businesses hitting the airwaves.
On the other hand, Mars + Jupiter = Venus, some can still do well financially while for others love is in the air.
In fact Mars will be 22 1/2 to Jupiter on the 8th, fortunate activities.
Do it and it will work out well.
On Oct.
9th, Sun will be 22 1/2 to Venus and Uranus, a day of financial instability.
Mercury will be squaring Hades and both will be on the cardinal axis.
The mood of the public will not be good.
In fact, it will be very ugly.
Saturday Oct.
10th is a good day for rest and relaxation as Sun is 22 1/2 to Venus.
Mercury will be squaring Pluto, and it is time to do some soul searching and mental planning.
Take some time and make a pro and con list.
Then on the 11th, Mercury + Saturn = 0º cardinal, the news is not good, especially about holiday traveling.
It would be good to make you holiday travel plans now.
At the same time, we will be experiencing Mercury + Uranus = Saturn.
This means that we may have unpleasant and unnerving news of a shocking nature.
Monday the 12th of Oct.
starts off on a pleasant note as the Sun will be 22 1/2 to Venus.
News will be regarding a political leader or a head of a major corporation will emerge as Pluto + Kronos = Mercury.
Since Pluto is still near the cardinal axis and we will be heading to the polls in November, this configuration can indicate major mudslinging by political opponents.
Pluto + Saturn = Hades, which is conjunct the cardinal axis, indicates the world financial picture will not be looking too good, especially at days end.
The morning of Oct 13th has Venus conjunct Saturn.
The day begins with financial worries.
Even though Jupiter is deemed direct, today does not mean the financial picture turns rosy.
In fact, the planetary pictures of the day show otherwise.
As the day progresses, Venus will be midpoint Saturn and Hades, 0º cardinal.
This can indicate serious financial troubles in the world with Mercury + Hades = Jupiter, some will be misled or conned financially.
At the same time, we will also be experiencing Mercury square Kronos and both will be 22 1/2 to Mars.
The president or a major corporate leader will make a statement declaring action to be taken.
On the 14th - a word of warning.
Do not let your temper get the best of you, as mercury will be 22 1/2 to Mars.
Anger is in the air, hostile driving and verbal confrontations lay claim to this day.
Kronos + Uranus = Venus, 9 Cardinal.
There will be some very nervous heads of state, including President Obama as well as some major corporate heads, all due to the financial picture which does not look too good.
On Oct 15th the Sun is 22 1/2 from 0º cardinal.
This combo is midpoint Venus, Pluto and Hades/Saturn.
Hidden issues or dealings pertaining to bad financial dealing hits the air waves.
Mercury + Uranus = Venus, Pluto indicates uneasy or unstable communications about money and finances.
Mercury + Neptune = Cupido, on the positive side this represents musical groups or theatrical casts.
On the negative end of things it shows lying and deception in family or group relationships, like marriages or family, corporate or extended family.
The problem stems from money matters.
Since the message yesterday was loud and clear -"watch your money" - today on the 16th of Oct.
Sun will be 22 1/2 to Pluto, and it is a day to do serious financial planning if you haven't already done this.
Another planetary picture today is Mercury + Uranus = Venus + Pluto = Jupiter.
There is an unstable money picture.
Do not run off half-cocked and make stupid mistakes out of fear.
Analyze your financial situation, then research your options and then make your decisions on how to handle your finances.
Mars changes sign today and will be midpoint Neptune and Kronos.
Actions today should be done diplomatically.
Saturday the 17th should definitely be used as a day or rest, as Sun + Saturn = Mercury.
If you live on the east coast raking leaves or viewing the fall foliage should be on your to do list for the day.
The northeast and northwest are feeling the winds of winter.
In fact, the entire country should be feeling a bit bleaker than normal today.
Neptune + Poseidon = Pluto.
Do not be surprised if you hear speeches about the world coming to an end.
Today is a good day for inner reflection and meditation.
18th is a new moon, and this new moon is 22 1/2 to the midpoint of Mercury and Uranus.
Today you should be socializing with friends.
Do fun things even if you have to do it alone.
This is not a day for seriousness.
Monday the 19th, Sun is conjunct Apollon squaring Vulcanus and all three will be 22 1/2 to Venus/Pluto, showing big business dealings or proposals by some big and important men.
At the same time, Saturn + Pluto = 0 cardinal and those proposals may meet some big opposition as the global financial situation does not look too promising.
On the 20th of Oct.
Sun + Kronos = Mercury, and the President takes to the airwaves, hoping to infuse the public with some optimism for tomorrow.
This is going on as Venus + Uranus = Pluto + Saturn = 0º cardinal.
Whenever Saturn is involved in any planetary picture with Venus and Pluto the financial picture is never rosy.
Add 0º cardinal, and it is the global economy we are talking about.
On Oct.
21st, we may see an increase in lay offs as the financial picture continues to look dismal.
The planetary picture that describes this Mercury + Hades = Venus and Neptune.
Adding to the ominous picture is that Hades is the midpoint of 0º cardinal and Saturn.
With the Sun 22 1/2 to Kronos these problem will fall at the feet of the president, and other country leaders, as well as major corporate heads.
22nd, is a day people should get involved in local charity work, as Mars + Admetos = Hades.
Since Hades, Saturn and 0º cardinal are still together, neediness in the world increases.
Medical personnel such as nurses and midwives, as well as holistic healers, will be in demand.
You should keep it light and make plans for a leisurely dinner with friends or a loved one.
Use this night to unwind and relax, and forget about your worries and job/career tensions.
The weekend of Oct.
24th and 25th consider going apple or pumpkin picking.
Mercury on the 24th falls midpoint Venus and Mars, and 22 1/2 to Pluto.
Today should be used for planning your next or future moves.
Saturn is squaring Hades and both are only 1/2 degree off the cardinal axis.
Remember the song entitled" Love is in the Air?" Well, the theme with this combo is melancholia and sadness is in the air.
The 25th will find President Obama burning the midnight oil in the hopes of stemming the financial problems that have reemerged.
On Oct.
We have Venus + Poseidon = Mercury, spirituality is key.
Yoga and meditation is the best way to handle the tensions of the times.
0º Cardinal + Hades = Saturn, disease, neediness and a sense of moral decline seems to be the name of the game.
The combo of Saturn, Hades and the cardinal axis will stick around until the end of October, as it goes from 0 Cardinal + Hades = Saturn to Saturn + Hades = 0º cardinal.
On the 27th, Mars will be 22 1/2 to Zeus, explosions or gunfire, possibly in Afghanistan, or somewhere else in the middle east, can have President Obama take to the air waves as Mercury will be 22 1/2 to Kronos.
On the 28th of Oct.
anger is in the air as Sun is making an applying square to Mars.
The anger continues into the next day as the Sun Mars square becomes exact.
Listen to music, go to an art exhibit, or have a night out with some friends for some social conversation as Mercury will be 45 to Cupido.
On the 29th, Mercury will be 22 1/2 to Neptune, and the mind could be out to lunch.
Have someone check over your work especially if you work with facts and figures.
In the evening, soak in the bathtub, listen to music or meditate.
A glass of wine can also be good as you listen to music.
On the 30th, Venus + Jupiter = Mercury.
It is also a Friday and the day before Halloween.
There could be party plans or you can start your Halloween celebration a day early.
Then on the 31st, the Sun will be conjunct Poseidon and semi-squaring Uranus for a perfect Halloween as the spirits rise to the occasion.
Happy Halloween!

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