Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

The Lord Is On Leave

The Lord Is On Leave

He went to the church and saw on the wall a board.

On the board it was written in bold that the Lord is on leave.

He was confused and could not understand the meaning of it.

He asked the watchman and his answers could not satisfy him.

He went to the father of the church and inquired about the meaning of the writing.

The father was silent for a considerable period of time.

The warrior was very eager for getting a perfect answer to give solace to his questioning mind.

Seeing his eagerness the father with his thumb touched him on his forehead.

He felt all spiritual vibrations within.

All his impurities were over and he became serene and still.

Perfect silence occupied his brain,body and mind.

In that silence he saw a bright light glowing.

In the light he saw his past,present and future lives.

He saw the Lord present with him all the time.

Sometimes he only saw the Lord and could not see himself.

Other times he found only himself with utmost vigor and zeal.

His entire body was broken in to pieces.

He was being disintegrated in to the subtlest partcles of an element.

Visioning the electrons and protons he realized the pure energy within.

He got all vigor and zeal realizing himself to be an energy being.

He saw the whole universe dancing before him.

Thousands of suns,moons,planets and stars were going and coming.

He sensed the Lord in each of his breathings.

He was converted in to an enlightened being.

He felt the presence of the Lord both inside and outside of him.

He saw that in all his activities,both internal and external the Lord is participating.

He is only carrying out His commands all the time.

In his innumerable births Lord has been his friend,philosopher and guide.

After the father took his thumb from his forehead he gained normal consciousness within.

He then realized the importance of the writing.

To see the Lord he has to make pure his brain,body and mind.

He can not see the Lord with worldly consciousness and he has to elevate his consciousness to find Him.

The entire world is suffering due to the ignorance of the mankind.

No one is trying to find the Lord and is running after the worldly things and beings.

Being illusioned by the delusory world people are forgetting their real nature.

Being succumbed to all worldy worries,anxieties,agonies and grief they are falling a prey to various kinds of stupors.

The warrior after being enlightned by the father felt all perfection both inside and outside of him.

He could see the Lord with a pure brain,body and mind.

Lord never leaves the man and the man by his ignorance thinks that the Lord has left him.

The Lord is all the time waiting both inside and outside of him.

From inside He is trying to make the man pure and refined.

From outside he wants the man to advance with all vigor and zeal.

Remaining inside He makes perfect his thoughts,words and deeds.

In the form of scriptures He wants the man to vibrate in tune with His mind.

Realizing the Lord the warrior got all vigor and zeal.

The Lord was actually not on leave.

He was waiting for a state of mind to be realized.

When the warrior developed that state with the help of the father he could see the Lord both within and outside of him.

The delusory world could no more deceive him.

Working with all perfection and beauty he fulfilled his hopes and dreams.

Serving well his family,organization and society he advanced with all vigor and zeal.

With a pure mind he saw every thing pure and understood the true nature of things and beings.

By his love for the Lord he could beome vibrant and dynamic.

His true potential was manifested and every where he saw light.

Moving in proper direction he made his life perfect and bright.

Seeing the Lord all the time he made sweeter all the songs of his life.

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