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How to Choose the Best Roses

Probably, the ways to choose the best roses are almost as numerous as there are rose fanciers out there in garden world.
The following tips on how to choose the best roses then is my opinion and possibly it matches some, if not all, the tips you could obtain from other rose lovers.
If I go to a nursery (or look through a rose catalogue), it's almost fatal for my wallet - as I never can leave with just one! I always see something new - or remembered that I wanted to try out - and it becomes added to the list of what I went there for in the first place - even if it was only one! To be practical, and I am not, but you can be...
these ideas may help you discern what type of roses you would like best.
Decide if you want fragrant roses (...
and why wouldn't you?) 1.
Is it color you are after? 2.
Where will you place the rose - is it for a trellis, a wall, an arch? 3.
Therefore is it a climber, a standard (tree) rose or a bush? 4.
Do you want repeat flowering roses - many climbers for example only bloom once in a season? 5.
Will the location be a place where you can easily access the plant for pruning? 6.
Is it to be placed where people won't get pricked by thorns (especially little kids)? 7.
Are you replacing a dead rose? If so you will need to replace the soil as well.
Climate and Roses Don't forget climate conditions either - if you live in a fairly humid region, you might be better off choosing roses that are more fungal disease resistant - as the moisture from humidity is a breeding ground for blackspot, mildew and other fungi.
The same idea applies for both dry and snowbound regions - choose roses that are proven to be successful there - and your local nursery will be able to tell you this.
Many cultivators nowadays are being bred for disease resistance so a wider variety for different regions is becoming more common.
However, some of the older varieties may not prove to be as disease resistant as the newer ones.
But, if you still want them, then be prepared to put in some extra work and you can still be successful.
The Final Choice *What Style? Bush rose, standard (tree) rose, weeping rose, climber or rambler or carpet or miniature rose.
Decide what style you are looking for.
* Size Small, Medium Big.
Decide where you are going to plant your rose, and remember they grow, so ask at your nursery, how big will they grow.
For the best aesthetic result, plant roses that are complementary in color next to each other.
If you plant any old colors together, your rose beds could end up looking more like a harlequins garb than a bed of roses.

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