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The Bold and the Beautiful Recap, January 12-16, 2015

#6991 MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2015

Everyone, but Rick, seems to know the true reason for his offensive behavior and why he is flaunting his scandalous relationship with Maya. Caroline and Maya go head-to-head over which woman loves Rick more and which will end up with him in the end. Maya vows that she will prove to everyone that she is worthy of being a member of the Forrester family. Despite Carter’s warning to mind his own business, Ridge is determined to get through to Rick about his poor treatment of Caroline.



#6992 TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2015

Rick senses that Ridge is issuing an unspoken threat to steal Caroline while doling out relationship advice.  Unwilling to listen to a man with such a poor track record with women, Rick rehashes all of the broken hearts that Ridge was responsible for throughout the years. Maya is furious when Carter refers to her current role in Rick’s life as a rebound relationship and questions whether or not her feelings are reciprocated. Ivy and Aly are curious as to Caroline’s true feelings as she discusses her recent situation with Rick and Ridge.  


#6993 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2015

Rick is put on the spot when Maya asks him if he truly loves her or if he is using her to get back at Caroline. Feeling vulnerable and apprehensive, Maya threatens to leave if Rick doesn't give her a straight answer to her reasonable question. Regardless of her unwavering desire to reunite with Rick, Ridge advises Caroline against fighting a losing battle. Caroline unexpectedly stumbles upon heartbreaking evidence that proves that Ridge’s words are valid.


#6994 THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 2015

Ridge points out to Caroline that there are no more reasons why they can’t pursue a relationship together. Caroline explains to Ridge that she needs time to decide what or who she really wants in her life. Ivy and Aly connect through their family’s history and share some laughs at Rick and Maya’s expense. Having reached a new crossroad in their relationship, Rick and Maya spend a romantic evening between the sheets.        


#6995 FRIDAY JANUARY 16, 2015

Carter is still reluctant to believe Maya’s relationship is genuine when she gloats to him about the night that she and Rick shared. Ivy issues Rick a warning to reexamine his feelings for Caroline before he does something irreparable and loses her for good. Caroline worries about retribution from Rick when he learns about her and Ridge’s new arrangement. Maya stands up for Rick when Ridge angrily confronts him about the disrespect that he has been showing to their family.

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