Pets & Animal Pets Birds

What Kinds of Fruit Can Parrots and Macaws Have?

    Fruit in General

    • Cantaloupes, guava, pitted cherries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, mango, nectarines, peaches, plums, prunes and raisins can all be included in the diet of macaws and other species of parrots. Peach pits should be removed, as should the core of pears. All fruit which is being offered to parrots should be thoroughly washed and, depending on the species of parrot, some fruit may need to be diced into smaller pieces. In general, each species of parrot has a diet specific to itself, but virtually all parrots will eat fruit when they are offered it.

    Citrus Fruit

    • Macaws and smaller parrot types appear to enjoy the various colors and textures of fruit. They certainly enjoy the taste, as fruits are among the favorite food items of these birds. Fruits comprise the edible part of flowering plants. These plant structures contain minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Select plant species contain protein and even fats. Citrus fruit is also rich in bioflavonoids. Popular citrus fruits include lemons, limes, grapefruit and oranges. All of these can be fed to parrots in moderation, but oranges are the most preferred.


    • Most parrot species enjoy apples. According to the Gabriel Foundation, although the seeds of apples release cyanide when ingested, the amount is so small that it does not cause toxicity in parrots. Large macaws and smaller Amazon and African parrots will all eagerly accept apples. They prefer sweet apples and these should be diced into quarters to enable the birds to hold a piece in one claw while feeding. Apples must be well washed and the skin should be left on as it contains valuable nutrients.


    • Berries can be collected during the fall, but are best store-purchased. As with all fruit, berries must be well washed to remove any pesticides. Both large macaws and smaller parrot types will readily accept berries, which are small enough to feed whole. As with all food types, berries should be fed in moderation.

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