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How To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back - Step 1

When we want someone back, we tend to try any and everything. Unfortunately, the more we do the more we seem to push the one we love away. Don't worry I am here to help.

There are several steps you can take that will get you on the path of getting your ex boyfriend back but the first and one of the most important things you need to do is STOP COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR EX Boyfriend. Yes, I did just yell at you.

If you are truly serious about getting your ex boyfriend back, and I take it you are since you are still reading this aricle, then you must immediately cut off all communication with him. No calling, no emailing, no texting. Cut it all out.

Only do this for a short while. I did this with my ex and in about 2 months he was emailing me telling me he and his "new" girlfriend had broken up.

The point is you need to take some time for yourself. Focus on YOU and only YOU. I am sure there are plenty of areas you can improve in. So put all your energy into becoming a better you.

If you have been saying you want to lose a few pounds now is the perfect time to do it. If you want to go back to school, now is the perfect time to do it.

Take up ball dancing, go mountain climbing, just do things that will keep your mind off him.

When you start doing all the wonderful things you want to do and explore you will not have much time to think about your ex boyfriend.

What you are doing is giving your ex the chance to miss you. When you are constantly in contact, it does not allow him time to miss you.

Once he starts to see that you are not thinking about him anymore and that your life has gone on he will get curious. He will start to miss you. He will want to know whats going on with you. Chances are at this point he will call or text you. Do not respond immediately. Go on about your day, when you get a second later in the day then respond.

The thing is to avoid getting overly excited. Play it cool. Don't act as if you have been waiting around for him to contact you. This will throw him for a loop and make him miss you even more.

The reason you do not want to jump right back on his bandwagon as soon as he contacts you is because then he will think he can do this all the time and you will come back.

You have to let him see that you are the best thing that ever happened to him and that your life doesn't begin or end with him.

So, the moral of the article is to back off. Give him space. Allow him the chance to miss you. Once you do that, he will come a calling.

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