Tips For Beginner Cyclists
Looking for a way to stay fit and healthy? Aside from diet you must exercise as well. One form is cycling and of course there are many others but cycling is a common choice of many. Some use the option to get an exercise bike and work at home or go to the gym. How many times have you seen in a gym the number of exercise bicycle machines there are? There must be a reason so many people use them and the main one is that cycling is a great way to get fit or to stay fit.
As everyone knows a proper diet and exercise should be a required part of our daily routines but actually keeping that in practice is not always possible. When you are starting out on a new exercise program and you choose cycling as your choice you should aim to cycle for at least 30 minutes per day. Cycling is a great exercise because not only does it increase your fitness but it helps to keep the body itself fit and toned.
As a beginner there is a period where you need to know a bit about what you are getting into and some tips and ideas for how to get the best start. You dont want to start the exercise program only to find there are too many issues for you and you give it up so here we cover some of the tips and hints for getting started with your cycling program and hopefully staying motivated to continue.
The first thing of course you will need, if you are not using an exercise machine at home is a bicycle. Let us assume for this purposes of these tips and hints that you will actually be out on the bicycle in the fresh air and scenery. One of the main concerns when you choose your bike of course is going to be the budget that you have at your disposal.
As you are starting out just choose a simple bike option and dont spend your life savings on a fancy machine until you are more serious about your exercise program. Perhaps you get more into the cycling as a sport and then you can look further into more expensive options. The best way to get really involved in the sport and for exercise is to join a cycling group and you will probably find that there are many around already in your area. The benefits of being in a group is that you are motivated by the others in the group rather than just having your self being the one to push you to get off and riding. There is also the social benefit in that you get to meet new people who have a common interest.
There are many gears usually with a road bike and you need to learn how to use those gears for particular types of terrain. As the attendant at the bicycle store to run through the gearing system before you take the bicycle home. The better you understand the gearing system the more improvement you will see in your riding. You are able to be more comfortable on the bike and you will find that you will be able to ride further and further.
An important part of your exercise routine is to ensure you are keeping yourself full of fluids when you are exercising. While you may not feel thirsty you are burning up energy and your body will need the water. You want to make sure you drink plenty of it and you can do this while you are cycling. Many bicycles will have already included a water holder or alternatively you can purchase one to put on your bike at almost any bicycle store. Being hydrated will keep your body going. Try part freezing your water bottle so that it stays nice and cool and if you plan for long journeys then perhaps a very light back pack or side bag for your bicycle to carry an extra bottle. These are only basic hints but should help you to get started. Get going!
As everyone knows a proper diet and exercise should be a required part of our daily routines but actually keeping that in practice is not always possible. When you are starting out on a new exercise program and you choose cycling as your choice you should aim to cycle for at least 30 minutes per day. Cycling is a great exercise because not only does it increase your fitness but it helps to keep the body itself fit and toned.
As a beginner there is a period where you need to know a bit about what you are getting into and some tips and ideas for how to get the best start. You dont want to start the exercise program only to find there are too many issues for you and you give it up so here we cover some of the tips and hints for getting started with your cycling program and hopefully staying motivated to continue.
The first thing of course you will need, if you are not using an exercise machine at home is a bicycle. Let us assume for this purposes of these tips and hints that you will actually be out on the bicycle in the fresh air and scenery. One of the main concerns when you choose your bike of course is going to be the budget that you have at your disposal.
As you are starting out just choose a simple bike option and dont spend your life savings on a fancy machine until you are more serious about your exercise program. Perhaps you get more into the cycling as a sport and then you can look further into more expensive options. The best way to get really involved in the sport and for exercise is to join a cycling group and you will probably find that there are many around already in your area. The benefits of being in a group is that you are motivated by the others in the group rather than just having your self being the one to push you to get off and riding. There is also the social benefit in that you get to meet new people who have a common interest.
There are many gears usually with a road bike and you need to learn how to use those gears for particular types of terrain. As the attendant at the bicycle store to run through the gearing system before you take the bicycle home. The better you understand the gearing system the more improvement you will see in your riding. You are able to be more comfortable on the bike and you will find that you will be able to ride further and further.
An important part of your exercise routine is to ensure you are keeping yourself full of fluids when you are exercising. While you may not feel thirsty you are burning up energy and your body will need the water. You want to make sure you drink plenty of it and you can do this while you are cycling. Many bicycles will have already included a water holder or alternatively you can purchase one to put on your bike at almost any bicycle store. Being hydrated will keep your body going. Try part freezing your water bottle so that it stays nice and cool and if you plan for long journeys then perhaps a very light back pack or side bag for your bicycle to carry an extra bottle. These are only basic hints but should help you to get started. Get going!