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Relieve the Foot From Nervous Pain by Treating Morton Neuroma

Morton Neuroma is the name derived from the person associated with the treatment of the disease referred to in medical jargon as interdigital neuroma.
It is pain caused by a nerve getting trapped when it passes through the toes of the foot.
The nerve gets squeezed by the bones in the part of the foot between the ankle and toe.
This happens just behind the toes.
One of the main reasons is the usual shoes, narrow in the case of men and high heeled in the case of women.
There are other reasons also.
The construction of a person's foot may be one of the causes for Morton neuroma.
Some occupations which involve bending down considerable or even go on the knees are also afflicted.
The ball of the foot is subjected to prolonged stretching.
There is considerable pain especially between the third and fourth toes.
Removing the shoes is not of much help and the pain persists.
There is a possibility of the pain spreading to other parts of the foot.
The movement of the nerve due to the spacing by the bones creates some sort of a sound which the patient can hear, though it is extremely faint.
Removing the shoes and rubbing the painful area will give temporary relief but the pain will return when the person starts walking.
Treatment for Morton neuroma depends on the severeness of the attack.
The first treatment, if it can be called so wearing proper shoes which do not limit freedom of movement for the toes.
High heels put pressure on the toes and the ball of the foot and therefore they are also to be avoided.
Surprisingly this may give complete relief for the patient.
Medication for relief from pain and controlling the inflammation is prescribed but there may be only giving only temporary relief.
Such medications create other problems and cannot be used for prolonged treatment of Morton neuroma.
It may become necessary to consult a podiatrist, who is a specialist in treating afflictions affecting the foot.
The initial treatment consists of taking care of any abnormality in the foot, causing the problem.
Sophisticated arch supports, made to the patient's foot measurements will serve to alleviate the pain to a great extent.
Spacer pads are made and then used which, when used will help to spread the bones between the heel and the toes to release the pressure on the affected nerve.
This reduces the pain to a great extent.
Many doctors consider such treatments for Morton neuroma as only of a temporary nature.
Cartisone injections are done by some doctors in an attempt to control the inflammation.
Cartisone injections are not without side effects.
Other doctors attempt to make the nerve loose its sensitivity so that pain will not be felt.
Many doctors do not attempt cortisone injections and would rather go for the second method.
Continuous treatment with injections for at least a week has been found to be successful in a majority of cases afflicted with Morton neuroma.
A last resort is a minor surgery.

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