Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

Spinal Fracture Types

    • Wirbels?¡èule - Computertomographie image by Daniel Schmid from

      The spine is the center of the human body, because all of the nerves originate there and travel from the spinal column to all parts of the body. The spine supports our body weight and allows for all ranges of motion. This complex system of the spine and nerves controls our movements and bodily functions. An injury or disease that fractures a part of the spine can disturb normal activities and cause you mild to severe pain.

    Spine Basics

    • The spine consists of 33 bones or vertebra. Nerves pass through a hollow canal in each one. The spine acts as a channel that passes messages from the nerves to the brain and body. Separating each vertebra is a disc or cushion filled with fluid. Age, injury or disease causes the disc to hold less fluid that weakens the spinal column and its five sections. The cervical supports the head and neck. The thoracic area attaches to the rib cage to protect the internal organs. The lumbar carries the body's weight. The sacral attaches to the hipbones and protects the pelvic organs. The coccyx or tailbone has no actual body function.


    • Osteoporosis is a common cause of this fracture in frail or elderly patients. When the vertebra is weak from disease or age, it cannot absorb additional stress. A sudden blow, even a mild one to a vertebra can cause a compression fracture. Compression fractures affect only one part of a vertebra.


    • A burst fracture results from extreme force like a car crash or a fall where you land on your feet. One or more vertebra receive fractures in multiple parts with bone fragments often causing more injury to the spinal cord. A burst fracture is more serious than a compression fracture.


    • In a head-on collision, your upper body is thrust forward while the seat beat holds back the lower body. It results in two opposite directions of great force pulling on the spine at the same time. The incredible amount of stress may fracture one or more vertebra.


    • A fracture-dislocation occurs when a vertebra is damaged from one of the other types of fractures. This type of fracture causes a sudden shift or dislocation of the injured vertebra, and usually involves tissue or muscle. A fracture-dislocation affects movement and stability.

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