Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

How to Quit Smoking - With a Pinch of Humour

Would you like to have some cancer today? (then you'd better learn how to quit smoking) Well the obvious answer would be a big 'No'.
Then let me ask you something else.
Would you like to have some heart diseases? I guess the answer to this would also be a big 'No'.
I might also tempt you with opportunities to get hold of diseases such as Asthma or chronic fatigue.
Wouldn't you love to have these diseases in your body? With a weak pair of lungs you can get to breathe heavy by climbing a few flights of stairs or walking just a little.
Won't you be happy with that? If you thought this was enough then how about rotten yellow teeth and skunk breath.
Isn't it really cool? Don't you want to use all these things when you go for a date? With cracked lips and a pale looking face to show off.
If you do not agree with the above benefits then your idea of smoking being a cool activity needs to be removed quickly, like snapping a Band Aid off a scab.
Also, check this out...
male smokers have more of a chance to get erectile dysfunction than non-smokers.
And in the case of women, it (smoking) leads to abnormal or irregular menopause.
All these things can be achieved by getting hold of a few packs of cigarettes and huffing and puffing from sunrise to sunset.
Easy as pie! As you progress in your habit, the financial amount will add up to such an extent that you could have purchased a car within let's say 5 years.
What's 5 years right? Decide for yourself whether you need a car or something else as useful for your family rather than getting hold of diseases like cancer, heart problems, skin problems, weak immune system, and erectile issues.
Changed your mind yet? Hope so.
If you look forward to discovering infinite source of energy and power.
Dumping the habit will eventually make your body fit and provide necessary stamina to do loads more fun stuff and NOT have any dysfunction "down there".
Discover the joy of living your life smoke free and do so without any strange laser treatments, chewing gums like a cow, pills, patches, or hypnosis.
Here's how to quit smoking without superman will power.

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