Health & Medical Medicine

Topic: Nursing

Nursing is a fundamental medical discipline. Nurses have an important role to play in society.

Their activities not only revolved on care giving to patients, but it sometimes includes counseling

services. Given the stress they undergo in their work, it is imperative that their basic needs satisfied.

Every medical facility has different departments, and human resource department is one of it. The

human resource department's functions include recruitment, selection, compensation, retention. The

department head is a human resource director other officers are; human resource supervisor, personnel

officer and other assistants who ensure satisfaction of human resource needs (Potempa, Redman, &

Landstrom, 2009).

Role of supervisor

Suppose one is a supervisor of nurses in a clinic and a conflict erupts between two nursing

employees, what will the person do to solve this conflict from causing problems? Answering this

question one should clearly understand the role of a human resource supervisor in a medical

establishment. Roles of a supervisor includes, supervision human resource tasks and in handling

administrative duties in relation to selection, recruitment conflict management, testing training,

discipline employees, corrective actions and maintaining of a human resource information system

(Morgan, & Lynn, 2009). The human resource representative also a supervisor work is to assists the


human resource director when need arises. Supervisor's daily tasks involve moving from one department

to another by observing how tasks are undertaken, watching how patients get treated, listening to any

problems or grievances that might arise and in ensuring clear practice of safety standards within the


Human resources issues are present in any nursing organization. A supervisor deals with Issues

relating to employee outsourcing and resourcing, training and safety procedures, discrimination and

conflict resolution. Principles and code of conduct guides a supervisor in exercising his power by

ensuring that individuals accomplish tasks effectively (Kingma, 2006). Nurses face many challenges in

their place of work, some of these challenges boarders on the economy, working environment, social

and family problems and problems due to politics and internal wrangles. Problem resolution if ignored

will cause; labor turnover will be high strikes erupt, and the level of employee's care towards patients

goes down. Health and safety of employees is very crucial for best care provision, standard working

tools, safety procedures, drills and routine trainings are necessary.

Tasks Performed by a Nurse

Contribution made by nursing professionals in a hospital is enormous. A hospital cares for

accident victims, people with chronic and long-term diseases as well as individuals with mental

disabilities. Nurses undertake most of the routine tasks in a hospital. Through the guidance of a doctor, a

nurse can help in surgery or even assist mothers give birth. Although nursing services has largely been

underrated, nurses' contribution to the medical care giving institutions is worth a dime. A nurse performs

various tasks in a hospital on a day-to-day basis. One can mention the following as some of the duties of

a nurse in a clinic or a hospital; a nurse is responsible for the formulation and implementation of

nursing plans, provision of care to patients that include home based care, evaluate patients healing

progress and offer education and counseling services (Veo, 2010).

Daily Tasks Performed by Managers


Hospitals are of no exception; their management structure is the same as those of other

organizations save for the fact that it is in a hospital (Veo, 2010). Clinics and hospitals have many

departments; we have a department exclusively for emergency cases, another for maternal care with

various wings. Hospitals are formal institutions developed by the society (Potempa, Redman, &

Landstrom, 2009). There is a need for an administrative unit to manage functions of nurses and other

medical staff. Various departments have heads, supervisors and staff. A department head handles an

issue in a surgery department before even it reaches the C.E.O or the Director. The daily activities of a

manager in a hospital setting are to ensure that funds managed properly; tasks done in accordance to

procedure, employee's safety needs, and that all the departments integration; a function of the C.E.O.


A supervisor in the human resource management department is knowledgeable in handling

disputes and conflicts within teams. The supervisor has technical skills in maintaining of employee's

records on performance and payment. He also has soft skills that include communication skills,

motivating skills and skills in handling issues through logical reasoning. A supervisor takes credit of his

ability to handle technical and humanistic problems that occur when managing staff. A supervisor

handles social problems, clearly interpret laws and procedure to other staff members (Morgan, & Lynn,

2009). We must not ignore contributions made by leaders in the health sector. Physicians and

administrators in healthcare assist a lot in the formulation of decisions, offer direct care to patients.

Hospitals Administrators and physician employ vast leadership styles, which assist them to overcome

challenges and meet organizations' goals. Leadership change movement is one of today's theories

relating to healthcare (Manion, (2005). This movement assist administrators develop todays strategies

Manion believe that leaders should be trained on the best practices. In using these strategies that involve

behavioral analysis all staff must be involved. For the best strategy to work all members should be


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