Business & Finance Home Based Business

How To Find A Better Boss

Are you sick and tired of working long hard hours for a measly paycheck that barely covers your bills? Do you wish you could get more sleep, but your work is keeping you up at night dreading the next day?

Employed people will always have these problems. You work for someone else so they can make more money, while your checkbook keeps getting lighter and lighter. This doesn't quite seem fair, but it is the way of the working world.

Have you ever asked for a raise? What was your boss's response? Chances are, they laughed at you. You see, they want to get by as cheaply as possible. Gone are the days when bosses value a hard worker. They just want to get someone that will do the job and pay them next to nothing for it.

You work and work and work, and get nothing. This is why 95% of Americans are broke. This is part of the reason so many people are in debt. Their paychecks don't allow them to get everything they need, so they have to charge things in order to live. Then, they can't pay off their debt, as their paychecks don't give them enough. It is a vicious, ugly cycle.

So, you want to be treated better? Have you found yourself switching jobs thinking that maybe someone else will treat you better, only to find that they too treat you like crap? When you aren't treated well, you won't work well, and then you face the possibility of losing your job.

So, what are you to do? The answer is not to find another job, but to quit the one you re in and start working for yourself. You will be your own boss and definitely will treat yourself better than your other bosses have. Start your own business. Give yourself the tax breaks. Invest money. Make more money.

It is a simple concept, really, but many people are stuck, in the drudgery of working for someone else the rest of their life wishing they had a better boss. You are the only one who will be a better boss for yourself. Start working for yourself today.

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