Health & Medical Diabetes

Checking Insulin Levels With Blood Sugar Meters

The number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased over the years. In USA alone, as many as 24 million people have been reported to suffer from diabetes. It is not only people over the age of 55 who are prone to the disease, but a number of kids and adolescents are also diagnosed with it. Therefore, you should be cautious enough and go for blood tests at regular intervals. There are two types of diabetes and these have an effect on the insulin levels created in the body. In case of Type 1 diabetes, inadequate levels of insulin are produced in the body while Type 2 diabetes resists the insulin effects.

It is important to keep the blood sugar levels in control and to monitor the same on a regular basis. It is important to go by the doctors prescription in this regard. Blood sugar levels can be checked with the help of blood sugar meters and blood glucose test strips. These can be used by the patient themselves to determine whether their blood sugar level is normal, low (hypoglycemia) or high (hyperglycemia).

Blood sugar testing methods have undergone great transformation over the years and this has enabled people to monitor sugar levels on their own. The different types of devices used these days include:

Non invasive blood glucose testing: As is evident from the name, these technologies facilitate blood testing without piercing the skin for blood and the methods used for the purpose include IR detection and ultrasound.

Continuous blood glucose monitors: These devices make use of a disposable sensor that is inserted beneath the skin. Attached to it is a device, quite similar to a pager that shows the reading. This system is ideal for people who have been suffering from diabetes for quite sometime and the insulin levels in the body keep on fluctuating throughout the day.

Blood glucose meters: A drop of blood is placed on the strip which is attached to an interface, a kind of a digital meter. The blood glucose level is displayed within a matter of seconds. Some of these meters are equipped with multiple testing strips. This is vital as the information derived from it is used to monitor the health of the individual.

Diabetic accessories also include medical alert bracelets that are especially helpful if there is a sudden attack. These alert bracelets contain a history of your medical background and therefore if you have a sudden attack, medical treatment can be administered accordingly.

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