Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Remove Ants From the House

    • 1). Place food stored on your counters or in cupboards in airtight containers. Food left lying out or in open containers will attract ants and a variety of other pests.

    • 2). Toss garbage into trash bins with lids. Lidded trash bins keep ants out and odors in.

    • 3). Mix one-half gallon of white vinegar with one-half gallon of water in a bucket. Wash down all hard surfaces, such as floors, cabinets, trash bins and appliances, with the vinegar solution. This will clean your surfaces and the vinegar scent repels ants.

    • 4). Keep ants away from your pet's food by placing pet food bowls inside aluminum pie pans filled with one-half inch water.

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      Ground cinnamon serves as both a spice and an ant repellent.cinnamon image by Azazirov from Fotolia.com

      Sprinkle ground cinnamon across doorways, near baseboards and in cupboards and cabinets where ants have been spotted. The cinnamon will repel ants, make your home smell nice and is safe if ingested by pets or children.

    • 6). Soak cotton balls in peppermint oil. Place the cotton balls in areas that may be difficult to reach when cleaning, such as behind heavy furniture. The smell of peppermint is a natural ant repellent and also repels spiders.

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