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How to Plant Fake Grass

    • 1). Remove the old grass in your yard by using a sod cutter. Run the sod cutter over your yard and then pick up the sections of grass and remove them from the yard.

    • 2). Rake the dirt to remove any remaining debris with a garden rake.

    • 3). Run a compactor over the ground to compact it to create a flat surface.

    • 4). Lay down landscape fabric over the yard to prevent the growth of weeds. Cut the landscape fabric to the contours of your yard with a pair of scissors.

    • 5). Apply crushed granite on top of the landscape fabric and spread it out with the backside of the garden rake.

    • 6). Run the compactor over the crushed granite to make it smooth and level.

    • 7). Lay the fake grass or artificial grass product over the crushed granite. Cut the material to the contours of your yard with scissors or a utility knife.

    • 8). Insert the anchors into the material to secure it to the ground.

    • 9). Clean up any leftover material to compete the project.

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