Home & Garden Home Improvement

Why mold is dangerous

Whether it’s a musty smell from within the house or a green fuzzy patch on the last piece of fruit mold can inhabit any surface or be floating freely in the air. As mold spores float in the air looking for a place to breed there are four necessities to sustain it; appropriate temperatures, moisture content, oxygen and a food source. Mold can feed on newspaper, leaves, fabric and wood among other items. Taking away one or more of these will cease the growth of mold. It is important to keep your home dry and free of breeding grounds. Bathrooms, kitchens and basements are prime suspects in the hunt to kill mold. Keeping these areas free of moisture is important to keeping mold away.

Molds can be dangerous when they contain mytotoxins, which are toxic molds. Without being aware of it the mold spores in the air can put your family at great risk to many health issues. The toxic mold can inhibit your ability to breath. It can cause allergies and also asthma. What starts out as mild symptoms can soon become a very large problem for those affected; symptoms can range from runny noses, sneezing, coughing, watery or dry eyes and skin ailments. While it is possible to treat these symptoms with hay-fever type over the counter medications finding the source of the mold will halt the problem.

Mytotoxins cannot be easily eradicated. The human body cannot break down or kill this type of mold nor can extreme temperatures affect them. The worst case scenarios include organ damage or complete failure, cancer and severe respiratory problems.

There are several things that can be done to prevent and inhibit the growth of mytotoxic type molds. Removing moisture from the air through the use of a dehumidifier takes away one important element essential to the growth and reproduction of mold. Air filters and purifiers are able to clean the air with the help of ultra violet lights. UV lights are known to neutralize mold spores in the air. Consumers can buy room filters or have a whole house purifying system installed that works through the existing ductwork. For more difficult situations it is best to hire a professional to remove the mold. It is never worth risking your health to try and fix a problem you may not be able to see. Professionals are able to locate areas within walls that are moisture filled and excellent breeding grounds for mold.

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