How to Remove HMs
- 1). Teach each HM move you want to remove to a different Pokemon. If only one of your Pokemon knows a specific HM move, the game will prevent you from removing it from that Pokemon.
- 2). Place the Pokemon that knows the HM move or moves you want to remove in your party.
- 3). Travel to the location of the Move Deleter.
In "Pokemon Gold," "Pokemon Silver," "Pokemon Crystal," "Pokemon HeartGold" and "Pokemon SoulSilver," the Move Deleter can be found in Blackthorn City. In "Pokemon FireRed" and "Pokemon LeafGreen," the Move Deleter can be found in Fuchsia City. In "Pokemon Ruby," "Pokemon Sapphire" and "Pokemon Emerald," the Move Deleter can be found in Lilycove City. In "Pokemon Diamond," "Pokemon Pearl" and "Pokemon Platinum," the Move Deleter can be found in Canalave City. In "Pokemon Black" and "Pokemon White," the Move Deleter can be found in Mistralton City. In "Pokemon Colosseum" and "Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness," the Move Deleter can be found in the lobby of Mt. Battle. - 4). Speak with the Move Deleter, select the Pokemon that knows the HM move you want to remove, select the HM move itself and confirm the removal.
- 5). Repeat this process for all HM moves you want to remove.