Home & Garden Home Improvement

Solar Powered Outdoor Lighting

Installing solar powered outdoor lighting is one of the most economical ways to make your home safer.
This type of background lighting is very simple to install, has a very low operating cost and produces soft delicate lighting using LED's.
The cost of most fixtures in kits of four are $60 to $80.
00 depending on manufacturer.
No wiring is needed, you simply push the fixture into the ground where you want them.
So just how do these fixtures work?Solar photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity and charge internal rechargeable batteries.
Most solar lighting products use AA type rechargeable batteries as the sole source of power.
One disadvantage is an ample amount of sunlight is required to recharge the batteries.
AA rechargeable batteries are inexpensive and can be found locally.
They should be replaced every 2 to 3 years or as needed.
At night time a button style photocell acts like a switch and activates a bulb powered by the rechargeable batteries.
A fully charged solar light can remain on for up to 15 hours.
The bulbs are usually one or more Light Emitting Diodes (LED) that deliver a very soft light for your walkways and are considered by some to be just outdoor decorations.
On the other hand, even soft outdoor lighting can be a very important part of your personal home security,easy to install and be very economical to operate.
Solar outdoor lighting fixtures are made in several different styles.
Tier accent fixtures are one foot or less in height and direct light downward in a small area such as a flower garden.
Path Spotlight fixtures are two foot or less in height, direct light downward in one direction and work best on a pathway.
Landscape lantern fixtures are 28 to 30 inches tall, spreads the light outward and best if used in a flower garden.
Post light lantern fixtures directs the light outward, are ideal for replacing existing gas or 120 volt post lamps and usually have a larger solar panel that operates a high powered LED.

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