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The Importance of Defensive Driving

Statistically, almost every automobile collision could have been prevented if there had been just one more second of time before the impact occurred.
Spatially, that amounts to just a few feet.
While many people cringe at the rates of automotive fatalities, few take the time to complete defensive driving courses.
In addition, not every drunk, shoddy, cell phone using,or otherwise incompetent driver gets enough tickets to force them into taking these classes before theymaim themselves, or someone else for life.
And, just as unfortunately, there are millions of people who have been robbed of their lives by the senselessness of negligent drivers.
Taking a defensive driving course does not automatically exempt you from having a collision.
That said, it can help you prevent quite a few of them, or even turn what would have been a fatality into nothing more than a minor scrape.
You will learn about how to spot developing situations in the traffic around you, and how to make sure you don't create, or get involved in them.
Typically, defensive driving classes last one day.
Not so long ago, these courses were only offered in local community colleges, or other meeting places.
Today, you can take defensive driving classes right online.
As an example, digitaldriving.
com offers defensive driving classes that you can take at any time of the day.
If you are interested in an online course, however, you will need to make sure that it is available in your state.
Sometimes, people think that they will learn Houdini type theatrics, and moreover, this is what defensive driving is all about.
Unfortunately, many experienced drivers will tell you that defensive driving is more like an elegant dance than doing the mambo.
For a brief look at what defensive driving is all about, you may want to look at the tips offered byroadtripamerica.
Chances are, if you drive a car, you think that you are good enough to not need defensive driving classes.
In fact, you may even smugly believe that you are in control of your car at all times.
That said, the cd player or radio is still on, the Dunkin' Donuts coffee tastes great, and you just can't stand to miss your friend's phone call, or another cigarette.
Each and every prop lulls you into a false sense of safety, and drives you to forget the laws of physics and bodies in motion.
The result of that outlook is over 22 million people are maimed forlife each year, and over 50,000 die in automobile collisions.
More than likely, every driver in those cars had the exact same optimistic opinion of their driving skills and attention span.
Every day people die or become maimed for life in automobile collisions.
While many grieve, few people realize that a fraction of a single second could have entirely prevented the collision from happening.
Defensive driving courses can teach you to have the patience and moral character necessary to buy that one single second for yourself and everyone around you.
Along with teaching you how to eliminate distractions, defensive driving courses will also teach you some basic road etiquette, as well as how to spot, and stay away from dangerous situations.

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