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Defects in Child Car Seats

Child car seats have been the subject of a great deal of public attention because of the numerous recalls and design defects that have been exposed through product failure during accidents, testing and emergency situations.
When a person purchases a child car seat, they are doing so to increase the safety of their child.
This intention is negated by a faulty product that could put an occupant at risk for injury.
There have been recalls to these products for several different reasons, and a consumer should be aware of these potential defects in order to protect themselves from product failure.
Some car safety seats have been recalled because of improper cushioning or padding in the seat.
Some of this padding fails to provide proper protection to the head of the occupant in the event of a forceful accident.
This can be crucial to the protection of a child, especially an infant if an accident should happen.
Also, some material has been shown to be flammable and can seriously put an occupant at risk for burns.
Another significant point of interest in defective car seats is the proper restraint of the car seat to the car.
Improper connectors can be cracked or damaged in an accident if they are not properly manufactured.
This can result in seat failure in a severe accident, leaving the occupant in serious danger.
Straps and buckles can be potentially dangerous parts of operation if they are improperly manufactured.
Straps have been shown to provide either too much or too little force in a collision.
Also, buckles can require too great or too little force to be released which could create a highly dangerous situation for any occupants.
For more information on defective child safety seats and how you can be compensated for an injury caused by a defective child car seat, visit the website of Green Bay auto defect attorneys Habush Habush & Rottier, S.

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