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How to Develop a Baseball Power Swing

Recently I sent out a baseball survey and one of the questions I asked players, coaches and parents was, "What else can we teach you about baseball hitting?" One respondent was curious about how to develop a nice baseball power swing.
Power is all the rage when it comes to baseball hitting.
But players should know that power isn't the only way to a college scholarship.
In fact, many players have a lot of power in their swing, but they strike out more than other players.
Those are the players who wind up not even playing college baseball.
In addition, I've witnessed many players all over the country who lack home run power but impress schools and win the scholarships.
They have what it takes to be successful.
A great baseball power swing isn't bad, but there are many other hitting attributes you need to have as well to be a great player.
Our baseball hitting articles can help you understand the hitting mechanics and other necessary mechanics you need to be a complete all-star hitter.
For those who would still like more power, here are some suggestions.
To get maximum power in your swing, you must have your arms fully extended upon impact with the ball.
There are many great professional examples you can watch, including Ken Griffey Jr.
He had one of the best swings in baseball history.
It was rare to see him hit a baseball out of the park without extending his arms.
As you grow physically during your baseball career, you want to match that height with strength and you can do that through eating healthy and lifting weights.
Participate in a proper body strengthening program with the help of a trainer, coach or parent.
Develop and proper weight transfer during the hit.
This begins with weight management.
The proper shifting of weight will create a powerful impact with the ball, allowing you to hit harder and farther.
Without your weight shifting forward as you swing, you are destined to only hit the ball in the infield.
Be sure to work hard during all practices, stay confident and learn more about how to properly develop a baseball power swing.
That will give you an advantage on the competition and will put you in the driver's seat on your team.
Hitting the baseball well is an accomplishment you will always remember.
If you can hit for power, that's just icing on the cake.
Never take practice for granted and show your coaches and team how much you want to win at everything you do.

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