Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

How to Tell if an Android Has Spyware

    • 1). Open the application launcher on your Android device. Find the "Market" icon and tap on it to open the Android Market.

    • 2). Tap the magnifying glass icon to bring up the search box. Type in the search term for the application you want to use. Some vendors who offer security apps that can detect and remove spyware include Lookout, Norton, Webroot and NetQin. Press "Enter" to search the Market.

    • 3). Tap the listing for the security application, then tap the button under "Install." For free applications it will say "Free," and for paid apps it will show the price. Tap "OK" to accept the permissions the application needs, and then it will begin to download. Once the download is complete, tap the "Install" button and then press "Open."

    • 4). Follow the instructions from the application manufacturer to scan your Android device for spyware and remove any infections.

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