How to Train Your Dog For Obedience and Behavior
As a dog owner I have faced my ups and downs in training my half breeds.
The characteristic nipping, barking and howling apart from their chewing habits left me mad at times.
Yes I can literally see you grit your teeth.
Getting short tempered with your pup is going to make things worse.
So go ahead and read further to know how you could handle the situation.
As a new pup, training is not really possible.
Their days are spent sleeping most of the time.
Once the put is over 6 weeks to a maximum of 8 weeks you should start training.
It could be harder if you want to train an older pup or for that matter a dog.
Start early to get the best out of your mutt.
Initial training as always includes the Potty Training and other Small dog behavioral problems.
Later on, when your put is around 12 weeks to 14 weeks you should start off with other dog obedience trainings.
Note that you will always require keeping in mind a few set of things while you train your dog.
Note that you will have to know each and every thing about the trainer before you send it to school.
A trainer who has trained a military or Police dog cannot train a house dog efficiently.
More over it's seen that military dogs undergo immense training and is expected to be continued over life to maintain its discipline.
Train your house dog to be a house dog.
Know your requirements before you send it to school.
The characteristic nipping, barking and howling apart from their chewing habits left me mad at times.
Yes I can literally see you grit your teeth.
Getting short tempered with your pup is going to make things worse.
So go ahead and read further to know how you could handle the situation.
As a new pup, training is not really possible.
Their days are spent sleeping most of the time.
Once the put is over 6 weeks to a maximum of 8 weeks you should start training.
It could be harder if you want to train an older pup or for that matter a dog.
Start early to get the best out of your mutt.
Initial training as always includes the Potty Training and other Small dog behavioral problems.
Later on, when your put is around 12 weeks to 14 weeks you should start off with other dog obedience trainings.
Note that you will always require keeping in mind a few set of things while you train your dog.
- Always have a set time to train your dog.
If it's in the morning, keep it steady and train your dog for at least an hour in the morning.
Keep the time frame and the time regular.
Do not shift morning to evening and evening to mornings...
and keep the time limits to only an hour. - Always have Treats at hand.
Initially it's important to give your pup a treat when it does something right.
This is to let it know that it's doing something right and it should do it. - Never spank a dog.
That's bad habit.
If you are irritated, don't show it on the pup.
It leaves it traumatized and shy.
Don't beat your dog and for that matter don't even yell at it. - Always show your dog that you are the boss.
Not by beating it, but by being in command.
Over time your dog will learn to be submissive even if you don't raise your voice.
Dogs tend to learn more out of love than out of pressure.
Note that you will have to know each and every thing about the trainer before you send it to school.
A trainer who has trained a military or Police dog cannot train a house dog efficiently.
More over it's seen that military dogs undergo immense training and is expected to be continued over life to maintain its discipline.
Train your house dog to be a house dog.
Know your requirements before you send it to school.