Business & Finance Corporations

How to Effectively Manage Your Time in Your Home Based Business

In this fast paced life that we live in, you will never be caught up.
The first thing to understand is just that.
There is never enough time to do everything you want to do.
This is why if you want to be successful in your home based business you need to learn and apply the following techniques that can help you increase your productivity.
Think On Paper Grab a notebook and a pen and write a list of all the things you need to do to get you closer to your goals you have set for your home business.
Make sure that all things on that list are actions that will take you one step closer to your goals.
Things like reading your emails and returning a friends phone call should not be on that list.
Keep your list at hand and if anything comes up during the day you can write it down in your list.
Always work from a list, if it's not on your list, Don't do it! Choose The 3 Most Important Tasks Is your list about 3 pages long? I thought so! Now we are going to go through the list and pick out the 3 most important things to do this very moment.
A good way to figure out which are your 3 highest value tasks is to ask yourself these questions as you choose your high value tasks.
Is this activity going to make a big impact in my life? What will be the potential consequence of doing or not doing this task? And be very honest here.
A lot of people confuse being busy with being productive.
So make sure your activities will REALLY get you closer to your goals.
Grab a small piece of paper about the size of a sticky note and write down these 3 high value tasks that must get done today.
Sometimes one large activity has many action steps to do to complete it.
You can always write them down on a sheet of paper in the order they need to be completed to get your task done and then when it is complete, scratch it of your list.
Plan Your Day The Night Before Every night before going to bed, plan your next day in advance.
This will take about 10 to 12 minutes but will save you about an hour the very next day.
Do It Now! The world does not pay you for what you know , it pay's you for what you do.
When you take action you trigger all kinds of things that will inevitably carry you to success.
Go grab a pen and paper now and make a list of things to do and always, always plan your day in advance!

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