Health & Medical Eating & Food

Some Reasons Why Americans Love Pizza

Pizza is America's greatest adored food. The result of a fresh research about pizza says that every family orders pizza for feast at least once every week. From the smallest towns to the smallest cities, you will find pizza shops and pizza restaurants very near each other. We all get the idea that pizza came from Italy but America has made it their own. You think of any ingredient that you could put in your pizza and chances are, you will find it in America. Have you ever ask oneself why Americans love pizza? Here are the top 2 reasons.

The number 1 reason is of course the array of flavor that you could put in the pizza. Do you have affection for meat? Do you love cheese and tomatoes? Do you adulate chicken? Do you have affection for vegetables? Do you adulate cold cuts? Do you have affection for spices?

All of the food that you can think of may be used as topping for pizza. Americans adulate their pizza with tons of meat and there are hundreds and hundreds of pizza flavors with multiple kinds of meat.

Another reason why Americans adulate pizza is because it is easy to order and it arrives fast. For busy Moms who don't have time to cook after a tiring day at work, dinner is just a phone call away. And waiting period will not last longer than 30 minutes. If you are starved and don't want to cook, pizza is a complete instant meal.

For fast and tasty dinner, pizza is the number 1 choice for Americans across the country.

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