How to Stop Animals From Eating Blueberries
- 1). Spread human hair around the blueberries. Animals rely much more on their sense of smell than humans do, and trust their nose more than their eyes. When animals smell humans nearby, they generally will take off. Fake the presence of humans around your blueberries by spreading hair around the base of the plants. Pull all the hair out of combs and hair brushes around the house. Call a local barber and beauty salon and ask if you can take their hair clippings off their hands.
- 2). Build a fence around the blueberry bushes. A tangible fence can do wonders to separate the fruit from animals. Use a fine fencing material to keep out animals of different sizes. Chicken wire enforced with wooden supports is an easy to use fence material. Fences should be high enough that hungry animals can't jump over them, and buried at least an inch into the ground to prevent falling over.
- 3). Spread human urine around the perimeter of your blueberry bush. Like human hair, urine has a strong scent that animals can readily identify and will be inclined to stay away from it. Also like hair, urine is a generally wasted resource you should have no problem producing. Spread the urine around the bushes occasionally to keep animals away, especially after rain.
- 4). Purchase a chemical repellent. A number of highly effective chemical repellents are available for deterring all sorts of animals. Buy one with the broadest range of repelled animals, and follow the product's directions.
- 5). Soak hot peppers, seeds and all, in water. Pepper oils can irritate the noses and mouths of animals as readily as they do humans. Place your pepper water in an adjustable garden spray bottle. Turn the nozzle to mist and spray the perimeter and exterior of the bush.