The Best Foods to Get a Six Pack
- One important rule of thumb in losing weight, says exercise psychologist Kelli Calabrese on, is to make sure less calories are going in than coming out. There are 3,500 calories in a pound, so every time you have a deficit of 3,500 calories, you will lose one pound. This can be done with a combination of exercise to work off those calories and eating right, so you don't have so many calories to work off. Considering that running for one hour burns about 980 calories, you would need to spend a long time running every day in order to lose weight unless you are eating right, too. Choose foods that are low in calories, such as vegetables, fruits, diet bars, puffed rice and corn snacks and baked chicken, to keep your daily calorie intake low.
- In general, natural foods provide a lot more nutrients and protein per bite than packaged, processed foods. Most processed foods are high in fat, calories and chemicals and do nothing to improve your health or energy levels. Look for natural foods, such as fresh produce, nuts and grains, which boost energy levels, are filling without being fattening and provide protein that helps boost muscle development. Whole wheat breads that have no additives or preservatives are full of nutrients that are essential for developing muscles, such as fiber, folic acid and iron.
- High-sugar foods will impede six-pack progress. Foods that are high in sugar negatively affect your body, often making you feel nauseous right after eating them and show up on the scale not much later. Sugar causes blood levels to spike when it is first eaten, so it can give you a false sense of an energy boost, but this spike will quickly crash. Instead of being filled with energy, you will feel tired, drained and in need of more sugar to reach that high again. Foods that are low in sugar but high in proteins and fiber will give you a real energy boost that won't quickly fade. This will provide the energy you need to hit the gym and work out.
- Aside from eating low-calorie, low-fat foods that will help you lose weight, you need to eat high-protein foods that will give you the energy you need to lift weights, do crunches and work towards your six-pack goal. Oats are one super-food that will boost your energy supply. Filled with calcium, potassium, vitamin E and protein, this tasty breakfast treat will remove tiredness and stress, according to Marie Claire's lifestyle experts. Broccoli, almonds and whole wheats are a few more excellent choices that are stocked with protein and nutrients while being low in saturated fat (almonds are high in healthy fats, which is actually necessary for the body.) Brown rice is another wonderful choice that provides protein and keeps you feeling full for longer, so you'll have the stamina to keep working out.